Oct 31, 1451
Christopher Columbus was born on the date of 1451 October 31st. He was born in Genoa Italy. His parents were Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. -
Apr 5, 1472
as a teenager
Columbus had first set sea as a teenager in 1472. He was in many trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. One of his voyages to the island of Khios in modern day Greece brought him his closet to Asia as he would ever be. -
Sep 12, 1476
getting attacked
His first voyage in 1476 into the Atlantic ocean almost costed him his life as the commercial fleet he was sailing and was attacked by french privateers. His ship burnt so he had to swim to the Portuguese shore and make his way to Lisbon Portugal. Where he eventually got married to Felipa Perestrello. -
Period: Sep 15, 1476 to Aug 17, 1492
fist voyage
Christopher first voyage in 1476 into the Atlantic ocean nearly costed him his life. Columbus participated in many more expeditions to Africa. In 1492 Columbus left Spain in the Santa maria with the Pinta and the Niña along side. -
Period: Apr 28, 1480 to Jul 10, 1488
Columbus's kids
The couple had one son, Diego around the time of 1480. But his wife soon died after Columbus had moved to Spain. He had a second son Fernando who was born out of wedlock 1488 with Beatriz Enriquez de Arana. -
Jul 19, 1486
Getting rejected
Columbus was rejected by the Portuguese king for a three year voyage of discovery. Columbus took his plan first to Genoa and then to Venice but he was also rejected there too. He then went to Spanish machary of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, in 1486. -
Aug 31, 1488
The idea
There experts were also skeptical and initially Columbus was rejected. The idea however must have intrigued the monarchs so they kept Columbus on a retainer in 1488 but their focus was on war with the Muslims so Columbus had to wait. -
Jan 13, 1492
Expedition happening
Columbus continued to lobby the royal court and soon after the Spanish captured the last stronghold for Muslim in Granada in January 1492. Shortly after the monarchs agreed to finance his expedition. In august 1492 Columbus left Spain with pinta and nina along side. -
Mar 18, 1493
More expeditions
After returning to Spain in 1493 he made more expeditions to more islands in the Caribbean sea. Upon arrival at Hispaniola Columbus and his crew discovered Navidad settlement had been destroyed. It wasn’t until his third voyage until he reached the mainland. -
May 17, 1502
One more voyage
Convincing king Ferdinand that one more voyage would bring the abundant riches promised. Columbus went on what was his last voyage in 1502. A storm wrecked one of his ships stranding the caption and sailors on the island of Cuba rescue party was sent finally sent and the men were picked up. -
May 20, 1506
Christopher Columbus died on the date 1506 May 20th. He died in Valladolid Spain from congestive heart failure. When he died he was 55 years old.