Aug 1, 1451
Christopher Columbus was born
Jan 1, 1465
Columbus began to explore the seas
Jan 1, 1479
Columbus married Filipa Moniz Perestelo
Jan 1, 1480
Their son Diego is born
Jan 1, 1485
Filipa died and Columbus and Deigo left their home to pursue a grant for a voyage.
Apr 1, 1492
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella consent Columbus to pursue his voyage
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus and his crew set off on their first voyage
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus lands in the present day Bahamas
Mar 15, 1493
Columbus concludes his first voyage by returning to Spain
Sep 23, 1493
Columbus sets off on his second voyage
Jul 16, 1496
Columbus concludes his second voyage
May 30, 1498
Columbus embarks on his third voyage
Oct 1, 1500
Columbus is sent back to Spain imprisoned
Nov 1, 1500
Columbus is released from prison
May 11, 1502
Columbus sets off on fourth and final voyage
Jun 1, 1504
Columbus arrives back in Spain after a year in Jamaica
May 20, 1506
Columbus dies and is buried in Valladolid, Spain
Jan 1, 1537
The remains of Columbus are moved to a Santo Domingo Cathedral
Remains are moved again to Havana, Cuba
Spain gave up the territory where Santo Domingo is. -
Remains are moved to Seville where they lie today