Oct 1, 1451
His Birth
Christopher Columbus also born as Cristoforo Colombo was born in Genoa,Italy in 1451. But no body knows EXACTLY when he was born.It is known to be between August and October. -
Nov 2, 1476
In 1476 Christopher settled in Portagul. I don;t know the EXACT date and month but I will go just go with November -
Aug 3, 1492
Set sail
Christopher Columbus set sail on his journey to discover a shorter route to Asia. -
Oct 12, 1492
San Salvador
Columbus and his crew stepped foot on the island he names San Salvdor. -
Mar 1, 1493
For five months Columbus explored the island and travlled to others around San Salvador. Then again I do not NOT know the day. -
Mar 15, 1493
Columbus returns from to Spain from the first of four voyages. -
May 20, 1506
Death Date
This is truly painful but.....May 20 1506, Christopher Columbus died. And one fact that is really suprising is that he died still conviced he reached Asia. -
Fun Facts
Some facts about Columbus: 1. Christopher had a wife and 2 sons named Fernand and Deigo. 2. He has ships named the the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María.