Christopher Columbus

  • Nov 10, 1451


    1451: This was the year that explorer Christopher Columbus was born. He was also raised in Genoa, Italy by his father Domenico Colombo, a wool weaver, and his mother Susanna Fontanarossa.
  • Jul 18, 1470

    Early Life

    Early Life
    1470: Christopher Columbus and his family moved to Savona. A little after that happened Christopher started traveling the seas as a pirate. He attacked ships that belonged to the Moors.
  • Nov 16, 1477

    Marriage and first Job

    Marriage and first Job
    1477: Christopher Columbus joined his brother Bartholomew to work as a cartographer, after his ship sunk in portugal. Also he married noblewoman named Felipa Moniz Perestrelo. Unfortunately she died two or three years after giving birth to their son.
  • Aug 15, 1479

    First kid

    First kid
    1448: He had a son named Deigo with Dona Beatriz Enriquez.
    A priest called Father Perez intercedes on behalf of Christopher Columbus and pleads with Queen Isabella to fund Columbus. Emphasizing and making sure that he would be able to convert heathen races to Christians and make his idea real.
  • Aug 18, 1487

    The Idea

    The Idea
    1487: Columbus starts to work for the duke of Medina Celi. A little after he started working for him he submitted his plans to see if the earth was flat but King Henry VII of England but was declined. Then again to King Charles VIII of France but again his proposal was declined.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    First Voyage

    First Voyage
    1492: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain finally agree to act as patrons to Christopher Columbus and provide money and ships. He then leaves spain in search of indies on his ship the Santa Maria.
  • Oct 7, 1492

    First voyage part 2

    First voyage part 2
    1492: Around October 7th the crew spotted false land and was quickly discouraged. Later on land is spotted on of the pintas crew and land on a island of the bahamas. Columbus believes that they reached a pathway to India and China.
  • Dec 4, 1492

    First Voyage Part 3

    First Voyage Part 3
    1492: The fleet reaches cuba and the santa maria sinks off the coast of hispaniola. However Christopher Columbus discovered the first spanish settlement in the new world. Later Columbus starts his journey to return to spain.
  • Feb 6, 1498

    Second Voyage

    Second Voyage
    1498: Columbus starts his second voyage with 16 ships carrying 1500 men. He explores Hispaniola Jamaica and has a harsh encounter with indians and spends in Haiti searches for gold.
  • Mar 16, 1500

    Third + fourth voyage and death

    Third + fourth voyage and death
    1500: Columbus finished his third voyage where he explored spain. He now started his fourth and final voyage where he explored more time spain this time in Cadiz with only 4 ships. Sadly six years later Columbus died at Spanish court at Valladolid on May 20th 1506.