Images (12)

Christopher Cloumbes

  • Oct 30, 1451

    Christopher columbus was born

  • Aug 3, 1492

    first avoyage

    Christopher Columbus sail the ocian in 1492 with three ships
  • Oct 12, 1492

    start of voyage

    The ships made landfall not in Asia he asumed that they landed in the buhommas
  • Sep 1, 1493

    Second voyage

    6 months later he found a settled ment destroied
  • Sep 6, 1493

    Thid Voyage

    He reaterned to amercias he found a land and named Hispaniola
  • Oct 13, 1493

    Second Voyage

    Cristopher Clombus saild with a bigger group of men over 1,000,00 men and 17 ships
  • May 12, 1498

    saild over ocean

    christopher columbus saild across the atlaantic ocean for his third time
  • May 11, 1502

    Final Voyage

    He sait sail for his final voyage
  • May 20, 1506

    When he died

  • Christopher columbus first avoage

    Cristepher columbus set sail for hid first avoage with 3 ships