Leonardo returns

Chloe Kugel's project on Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    The birth of Leonardo Da Vinci

    The birth of Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci was born in the Tuscan Town of Vinci. Though his real name is Lionardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci! COOL, right?
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    Leonardo's lifespan

  • Apr 14, 1466

    The insprition of Leonardo Da Vinci

    The insprition of Leonardo Da Vinci
    When Leonardo was 14 he was finally into art and mechanics. His inventions are very famous and were helpful to a lot of people. Zoo - whee moma!
  • Oct 27, 1472

    Life is great!

    Life is great!
    Leonardo Da Vinci is a master in the Guild of St. Luke. Though he had his workshop, he continued to collaborate with Verrocchio.
  • Jan 1, 1480

    Let The Inventions Begin!

    Let The Inventions Begin!
    Leonardo starts to invent. Hold on to your seats! There great and helped many people with their probelms.
  • Jan 1, 1483

    He wants to fly!

    He wants to fly!
    For the first time someone want to fly! Leonardo was working on the first "Flying Machine"!
  • Apr 15, 1485

    Leonardo's flying!

    Leonardo's flying!
    Leonardo finally made his flying machine. He called it the "Ornithoper"! He was the first flying man! Amzing!
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Leonardo Still Loves To Paint.

    Leonardo Still Loves To Paint.
    Leonardo made a painting thats still in a museum today called the "Mona Lisa"! He isn't done with inventions though.
  • Jul 24, 1510

    Inventions strike again

    Inventions strike again
    Finally again the master of Leonardo's inventions start once more. Leonardo Da Vinci makes a machine for grinding convex lenses. He is at an old age now. He had a creative life.
  • May 2, 1519

    At an old age!

    At an old age!
    In 1516, Leonardo Da Vinci spent his three last years of his life in a house with Rachel and Micheangelo. He died in 1519. Though he remains when we look at his painting and inventions!