Chinese Timeline Project

  • 220

    The Collaspse of the Han Dynasty.

    The Collaspse of the Han Dynasty.
    When the Han dynasty collapsed, China split into several rival kingdoms, each ruled by military leaders. People called the time of disorder the Period of Disunion.
  • Jan 1, 730

    The Greatest Poems in Chinese History

    The Greatest Poems in Chinese History
    Li Bo and Du Fu wrote one of the greastes poems in Chinese history. Readers still enjoy for their beauty.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Temujin united the Mongols

    Temujin united the Mongols
    In 1206, a powerful leader, or khan, united them. His name was Temüjin. When he became leader, though, he was given a new title: “Universal Ruler,” or Genghis Khan
  • Jan 1, 1227

    How the Monglo Empire was Developed

    How the Monglo Empire was Developed
    Genghis Khan then turned his attention to China. He first led his armies into northern China in 1211. By the time of Genghis Khan's death in 1227, all of northern China was under Mongol control.
  • Jan 1, 1271

    The Marco Polo and China

    The Marco Polo and China
    An Italian merchant named Marco Polp traveled in and around China. He wrote about his travels around and in China.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    The Chinese invaded the Japanese

    Despite their vast empire, the Mongols were not content with their lands. They decided to invade Japan. A Mongol army sailed to Japan in 1274 and 1281.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    The Sailing Condition When They Went To Japan.

    In 1274, Mongol army sailed to Japan, voilent storms and fierce defenders destroyed most of the Mongol force.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    The Yaun Dyanasty

    The Yaun Dyanasty
    In,1260, Genghis Khan's grandson, Kublai Khan, became a ruler of the Monglo Empire. After he declared himself an empire, the Yaun Dynasty began. But, some people called that period the Monogol Ascendancy.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Fight in The Yuan Dynasty

    Many Chinese groups rebelled against the Yuan Dynasty. 68 years later, a former monk named Zhu Yuanzhang took charge of a rebel army and led the army in a final victory over the Mogols.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Zhu Yuanzhang took charge of a rebel army

    In the 1300s many Chinese groups rebelled against the Yuan dynasty. In 1368 a former monk named Zhu Yuanzhang took charge of a rebel army. He led this army in a final victory over the Mongols. China was once again ruled by the Chinese.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    The Ming Dynasty

    The Ming Dynasty
    After Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor of the Monglos, he became the emperor of China. He ruled nearly 300 years. The Dynasty proved to be one of the most stable and prosperous times in Chinese history. One of them was, they improved their sailing skills and sponsored incredible building projects.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1368 to

    The Ming Dynasty

    The Ming dynasty that he founded ruled China from 1368 to 1644—nearly 300 years. Ming China proved to be one of the most stable and prosperous times in Chinese history. The Ming expanded China's fame overseas and sponsored incredible building projects across China.
  • Jan 1, 1405

    The Greatest Sailor

    The Greatest Sailor
    The greatest sailor was named Zheng He. He led seven grand voyages to places around Asia. Some of the ships they sailed with was more than 300 feet long.
  • The Qing Dynasty's Responsibilities in 1600s

    Qing dynasty, which ruled from the mid-1600s to the early 1900s. Their responsibilities could be running government offices, maintaining roads, irrigation systems, and other public works, updating and maintaining official records, or collecting taxes.
  • The Ming Dynasty Was Overthrown

    The Ming Dynasty Was Overthrown
    In 1644 the Ming Dynasty was overthrown. By the late 1800s the western world had made many technological progress.
  • The Sui Dynasty

    The Sui Dynasty
    The Sui Dyansty didn't last very long. But, its leaders restored order to China and began the Grand Canal.
  • The beggning of the Sui dynasty

    The beggning of the Sui dynasty
    The man who finally ended the Period of Disunion was a northern ruler named Yang Jian. In 589, he conquered the south, unified China, and created the Sui dynasty
  • The beggning of the Tang Dynasty

    The beggning of the Tang Dynasty
    A new dynasty started to exist in China in 618. A former Sui offical overthrew the old government.
  • The Song Dynasty

    The Song Dynasty
    In 960, China was again reunified.( Song Dynasty), Like the Tang, the Song ruled for about 300 years, until 1279
  • The world's first system of paper money

    The world's first system of paper money
    All of this trade helped create a strong economy. Also, as a result of the growth of trade and wealth, the Song invented the world's first system of paper money in the 900s.
  • The World's First known Printed Book

    The World's First known Printed Book
    The world's first known printed book was printed. It was printed in by using the woodblock painting in 868.