Industry: Paper
For more than 500 years, the chinese were the only people in the world that knew the secret of making paper. -
Period: 200 to Feb 18, 1400
Chinese Inventions
Feb 17, 650
Industry: Printing
After inventing paper the chinese invented printing. The printer first drew characters (symbols) on paper, then glued the paper on to a wooden block. -
Feb 18, 750
Industry: Tea
Tea was made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water. Tea was drunk mostly for medicine. -
Feb 19, 750
Everyday objects: Paper money
Before paper money coins were the only form of currency. Paper money was printed with wood blocks. -
Feb 19, 750
Everyday objects: Mechanical clock
The chinsese divised a wheel that makes a full turn every 24 hours. Dripping water makes the wheel turn. -
Feb 16, 850
Military: Gunpowder
Alchemist experimented with mixtures of natural ingrediants trying to find a substance that might allow people to live forever. -
Feb 19, 850
Everyday objects: Game cards
Printers used woodblock printing to make the cards from thick paper. -
Feb 17, 950
Military: Flamethrower
The cinese used flamethrowers to spray enemies with a steam of fire. -
Feb 16, 1300
Military: Rocket
Rockets were powered by a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first they were only used in fireworks then later on they were used as weapons.