Chinese Inventions

  • 2700 BCE


    Tea has been drunk since 2700 BC. For several years tea was made by tea leaves steeped in boiling water. Tea was mostly only drunk for medicine for the Chinese.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 200 BCE


    The Chinese first ever made steel, a very useful metal, made from iron, but less brittle than iron and easier to bend into different shapes.
  • 100 BCE

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    Paper Money was a huge accomplishment for the Chinese because before they were using coins for good form of currency, paper money was actually made from wooden blocks.
  • 50


    Porcelain is clay, minerals, quartz, and feldspar. Porcelain was used for decoration and beauty. Back in the 18th century was Porcelain was a prized item.
  • 200


    Paper was a very big invention for the Chinese. They invented papermaking by the second century. The paper was made from hemp and bark of an mulberry tree.
  • 700


    Since the invention of paper, printing made it easier for the Chinese to create things. By the 7th century, they made a printer called a woodblock printer.
  • 750

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    The Chinese mechanical clock was invented in the 8th century. The clock now was obviously more accurate than the Chinese clock but was a very good clock at the time. Before the clock they invented a wheel that spun for 24 hours so that the chinese knew what time of day it was.
  • 850


    Accidentally invented by alchemists who were trying to find the secret of eternal life.
  • 850

    Game Cards

    Game Cards
    Game cards were invented in the 9th century in China. These cards were made from woodblock printers, the paper that was used was very thick paper. Famous Chinese artists on the cards.