2700 BCE
put tea leaves in boiling water. Industry -
250 BCE
The Chinese developed the first compass as early as the 3rd century B.C.E. The first Chinese compasses were pieces of a magnetic mineral called lodestone. -
200 BCE
The Chinese first made steel, a very useful metal, before 200 B.C.E. Steel is made from iron, Industry -
Porcelain is made by combining clay with the minerals quartz and feldspar.They also made colored glazes to decorate
their porcelain.industry -
Feb 16, 618
they use these bridges for traveling .Exploration/Travel -
Feb 13, 850
gun powder
Chinese alchemist accidentally discovered when trying to find secret to eternal life. military -
Feb 17, 1050
The Chinese used them to spray enemies with a stream of fire.military technology -
Feb 17, 1300
Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song dynasty.Rockets were powered by a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. military tech noligy -
padel wheel
this helped Chinese travel cross water. travel/exportation