Chinese Dynasties

  • Period: 1700 BCE to

    Chinese Dynasties

    Sarah's Zoo Quickly Had Sales Today Saving Yesterday's Monkeys
  • 1000 BCE

    1700 BCE - 1000 BCE Shang Dynasty

    1700 BCE - 1000 BCE Shang Dynasty
    -Developed written languages
    -Developed metal casting process
  • 221 BCE

    1028 BCE - 221 BCE Zhou Dynasty

    1028 BCE - 221 BCE Zhou Dynasty
    -Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism develop
    -End: The start of the warring states period
  • 207 BCE

    221 BCE - 207 BCE Qin Dynasty

    221 BCE - 207 BCE Qin Dynasty
    -Unified China
    -Legalism (Harsh)
  • 220

    207 BCE - 220 CE Han Dynasty

    207 BCE - 220 CE Han Dynasty
    -Pax Sinica
    -Strong Centralized Government: Bureaucracy
  • 618

    589 CE - 618 CE Sui Dynasty

    589 CE - 618 CE Sui Dynasty
    -Built the Grand Canal
    -Mandate of Heaven
  • 907

    618 CE - 907 CE Tang Dynasty

    618 CE - 907 CE Tang Dynasty
    -Restored and expanded the civil service system
    -Start of China's golden age
  • 1271

    960 CE - 1271 CE Song Dynasty

    960 CE - 1271 CE Song Dynasty
    -Compass, Gunpowder, and typography all invented
    -Emphasis on education and mathematics
  • 1368

    1271 CE - 1368 CE Yuan Dynasty

    1271 CE - 1368 CE Yuan Dynasty
    -Protected Silk Road
    -Mongols assimilate into Chinese culture
  • 1368 CE - 1644 CE Ming Dynasty

    1368 CE - 1644 CE Ming Dynasty
    -Mandate of Heaven returns to Chinese People
    -Voyages of Zheng He