China Dynasties

  • 2205 BCE

    Xia Dynasty Begins

    Xia Dynasty Begins
    The Xia Dynasty begins, a time of transition from stone-age to bronze-age tools and weapons. This dynasty is most likely fictional.
  • 1766 BCE

    The Shang Dynasty Begins

    The Shang Dynasty Begins
    This was the first dynasty to leave behind written and archaeological evidence
  • 1122 BCE

    The Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty
    This was the first dynasty to unite most of China. The emperors ruled the country with the help of officials.
  • 479 BCE

    The Warring States period begins, during the Zhou Dynasty

    The Warring States period begins, during the Zhou Dynasty
    Warring States Period in ancient China was marked by intense conflict among regional states, paving the way for significant political, social, and philosophical developments.
  • 221 BCE

    The Qin Dynasty begins

    The Qin Dynasty begins
    The Qin Dynasty begins, and the rule of China's first emperor Qin Shi Huang Di also begins.
  • 219 BCE

    Work begins on the construction of the Great Wall.

    Work begins on the construction of the Great Wall.
    Initial construction on the Great Wall of China begins, with various dynasties contributing over centuries to create the iconic defensive structure against invasions.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty Begins

    Han Dynasty Begins
    The Han Dynasty begins; paper and porcelain are developed; trade is established on the Silk Roads.
  • 9

    The Xin Dynasty Begins

    The Xin Dynasty Begins
    The beginning of the Xin Dynasty, a brief period under the reformer Wang Mang.
  • 22

    The Eastern Han Dynasty begins

    The Eastern Han Dynasty begins
    The Han are restored and remain in power until increasing corruption leads to their collapse
  • 219

    Han Empire is Divided

    Han Empire is Divided
    The Han empire is divided into three separate kingdoms and then into dynasties ruling the north and south.
  • 587

    The Sui Dynasty Begins

    The Sui Dynasty Begins
    The Sui Dynasty begins; imperial rule is re-established over all of China
  • 618

    The Tang Dynasty begins

    The Tang Dynasty begins
    The Tang Dynasty begins; cities and trade experience growth; Buddhism becomes an important religion.
  • 959

    The Song Dynasty

    The Song Dynasty
    The Song Dynasty re-unifies China after a period of rebellion at the end of the Tang Dynasty.
  • 1278

    The Yuan Dynasty Begins

    The Yuan Dynasty Begins
    The Yuan Dynasty begins after the Song Dynasty is overthrown by Kublai Khan, the leader of the Mongols.
  • 1367

    The Ming Dynasty Begins

    The Ming Dynasty Begins
    The Ming Dynasty commences in China, following the overthrow of the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty, bringing about a period of cultural flourishing and economic prosperity.
  • The Qing Dynasty Begins

    The Qing Dynasty Begins
    The Qing Dynasty begins, China's last imperial dynasty under Manchu rule, which lasts until 1912.