Period: to
Baby's life
emotional m-1
baby's show a sign of interest -
Social Development m-1
Baby coos and babbles -
Month 1- physical
the baby lifts it's head from side to side -
Intellectual m-1
Makes eye contact -
physical- month 2
baby makes sounds -
emotional m-2
baby shows sadness -
physical month-3
baby holds it head up while being held -
Emotional m-3
baby shows signs of joy -
intellectual m-3
can tell a smile from a frown -
Physical Month-4
baby puts hands in it's mouth -
emotional m-4
Babies show dislikes clearly -
Social development m-4
May cry when left alone -
emotional month 5
at about the time the baby is three-six months old it will develop signs of anger -
Physical Month-5
baby grasps toys -
physical Month 6
baby begins creeping -
emotional m-6
babies become startled easily -
physical-month 7
baby stands with assistance -
Social development m-7
Enjoys other children -
intellectual m-7
Sorts objects by size -
physical month-8
baby pulls self up to stand -
physical month-9
baby uses index to poke -
physical month 10
crawls well -
physical month 11
baby walks while hold onto railing -
Social Development m-11
Spends time looking in mirrors -
baby drinks from cup