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Child development timeline

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    • During the first 3 months the time is considered the first trimester. the baby is a ball of cells which is referred to as the blastocyst which contains all DNA. after a few weeks the organs begin to develop.
    • A main event that occurs is the heart has formed and produces a heartbeat. it is the size of a seed.
    • facial features begin to develop. -Body limbs begin to grow and is 5/8 inches long
    • the embryo is a fetus and the main organs are now working. -Bones have hardened.
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    the second trimester.
    - urine is produced with the babies kidneys.
    - light from outside the womb is visible
    - gender reveal
    - the sounds from everything outside is no being able to be heard from inside the womb. especially the mothers heart beat.
    - the baby can feel movement from the mother.
    his hearing is developing rapidly
    - the baby is now a foot long and weighs over a pound.
    - the baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid
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    Third trimester
    - hair has grown including eyelashes.
    - weighs about 2 1/4 lbs
    - 15 inches long
    - the baby's lungs and nervous system is still developing
    - considered early term but the vital organs are not fully matured yet. - at 39 weeks the baby is full term which is ready to be delivered at an average newborn weight and height which is 7 1/2 lbs and 20 inches