Child Development Timeline

  • Nervous System Begins to Form

    Nervous System Begins to Form
    Time: 3 weeks after pregnancy
    Domain: Physical
    Description: Within 3 weeks of the embryo's development, the brain of the embryo starts to form. Included with this is the Spinal cord, which will eventually connect the brain to all other parts of the body for signals to travel across the body.The brain continues to grow and develop throughout the term of pregnancy.
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  • Hair starts to grow on head

    Hair starts to grow on head
    Time: 19 weeks into Pregnancy
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: Hair begins to grow on the head of the fetus. The initial hair is known as lanugo and will eventually grow all across the body. Most of the lanugo will go away by the time the baby is born, but this is when it all starts.
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  • Fetus becomes more sensitive to sounds

    Fetus becomes more sensitive to sounds
    Time: 23 Weeks into Pregnancy
    Milestone: Cognitive
    Description: While the fetus has been able to hear a few things before now, the fetus is now becoming more sensitive to sounds. They can hear voices and other noises much more clearly, and can start to take an interest in certain sounds like music.
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  • Fingernails and Toenails are fully developed

    Fingernails and Toenails are fully developed
    Time: 32 Weeks into Pregnancy
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: At this time, the fetus' fingernails and toenails have fully developed. They will continue to grow as time passes by, and the fetus may occasionally have an itch that they now reach up to scratch.
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  • Birth of the Baby!

    Birth of the Baby!
    Time: 40 weeks into pregnancy
    Milestone: All
    Description: The fetus has grown successfully and has developed into a healthy baby. For the purposes of the rest of this timeline, the baby will be a male named Kyle. He was born on December 8, 2000.
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  • Infant Recognizes faces and begins to smile

    Infant Recognizes faces and begins to smile
    Time: 1 1/2 - 2 months old
    Milestone: Cognitive/Social Emotional
    Description: As the baby starts to grow, he can start recognizing familiar faces. Usually this includes the family that he is always around as well as frequent visitors to the house. As he recognizes these familiar faces, he will in turn smile.
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  • Infant can roll from stomach to back and from back to stomach

    Infant can roll from stomach to back and from back to stomach
    Time: 5-6 Months old
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: The baby can now roll over on his own. If placed on his stomach, he can roll over to his back, and then maybe will roll back over onto his stomach. His motor skills have developed enough to allow him to do this.
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  • Infant starts babbling instead of cooing

    Infant starts babbling instead of cooing
    Time: 6-7 months old
    Milestone: Language/Social-Emotional
    Description: In the early months, an infant speaks through cooing. As he starts to grow older, he starts babbling and repeating consonant sounds (Example: "Ba-ba-ba-ba"). Parents and other caregivers can often repeat a consonant sound and the baby will copy the caregiver. He might also start to laugh as the other repeats him.
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  • Infant begins crawling

    Infant begins crawling
    Time: 8-9 Months
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: The baby, having mastered moving from stomach to back and vice versa, has now begun to crawl. He may starts with an army crawl, not fully lifting his body off of the floor, but he will get there as time goes on. This will become his primary mode of personal transport for a few months.
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  • Infant's First Birthday

    Infant's First Birthday
    Time: 12 months old
    Milestone: Social Emotional
    Description: The baby has hit one year old today, and will likely have a small party with close family around him. This might be a big day with a lot of people around him at once. Add in presents, decorations, and cake, and this might be a big day for sensory perception. In future years, this forms the habit that his birthday happens every year.
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  • Toddler speaks in short words and phrases

    Toddler speaks in short words and phrases
    Time: 18-24 months
    Milestone: Language, Social-Emotional
    Description: As the child develops, he will slowly learn more and more words, and start to use some of those words that he becomes familiar with. These words are also used in short phrases that he understands. If there's something he wants to do himself, for example, he might say "I do it".
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  • Toddler can kick ball

    Toddler can kick ball
    Time: Around 22 months
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: At this time, the toddler is likely capable of balancing on one foot long enough to kick a ball forward. Some may not be able to kick with much force, but at the very least, they can often kick the ball well enough to move it across the floor, and teach them what a kick is.
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  • Toddler can dress and undress self (With loose fitting clothing)

    Toddler can dress and undress self (With loose fitting clothing)
    Time: Around 24 months
    Milestone: Physical, Cognitive
    Description: The toddler can start to undress (though probably has already done this) and dress himself with loose fitting clothing. Usually, this can be elastic clothing and jackets. Buttons and snaps are likely still too difficult. He can also probably recognize some patterns as well regarding ways that you've dressed him in the past, and can pick out some matching clothing.
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  • Toddler learns how to share

    Toddler learns how to share
    Time: 30-36 months
    Milestone: Social Emotional
    Description: Around this time, the toddler learns what it means to share. It may not be perfect, and there will be times that he will become possessive of "his" toys. But he is more inclined to share them with those who he is close with. Usually this includes siblings, day care friends, and close cousins.
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  • Early Childhood Change in Height and Weight

    Early Childhood Change in Height and Weight
    Time: 3 years to 6 years
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: From ages 3 to 6, children grow in weight and height considerably. At around 3 years of age, they are roughly 34 to 40 inches tall and weigh 25 to 40 pounds. By 6 years of age, they are roughly 42 to 48 inches tall and weigh 35-60 pounds. A rough gain of 8 inches and 10-20 pounds.
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  • Recognizing how to use different tenses of words

    Recognizing how to use different tenses of words
    Time: 4-6 Years
    Milestone: Cognitive
    Description: During this age, children start to learn how to properly use tense in their manner of speech. Instead of saying "I goed there" they will start saying "I went there" understanding how the tense of a word works.
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  • Unbuttoning and Buttoning up clothing

    Unbuttoning and Buttoning up clothing
    Time: By 4 and a half years
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: By four and a half years, most children are able to button and unbutton clothing with relative ease. They may sometimes not line the buttons up properly, but their fine motor skills have developed enough to do this.
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  • Starting Kindergarten

    Starting Kindergarten
    Time: Roughly around 5-6 years old
    Milestone: Social-Emotional
    Description: While the age varies from child to child, usually from 5-6 years old a child will enter Kindergarten. Some may do Preschool as well, some may not. But regardless of their previous education experience, Kindergarten is a huge shift in the lives of children as they spend more time away from the family and more time with another caregiver and other children.
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  • Middle Childhood Brain Development

    Middle Childhood Brain Development
    Time: Roughly 7 years
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: By around 6-7 years of age, a child's brain has developed to mostly adult size. While neurons and neural pathways are still developing and forming, the brain will have reached near maximum size by this age.
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  • Middle Childhood Independence

    Middle Childhood Independence
    Time: Around 7 years
    Milestone: Social-emotional
    Description: As children continue getting into the routine of going to school daily, meeting new friends, and starting to develop more likes and dislikes, a child starts to show off their independence. This leads to less time spent with the family and more time wanting to go over to a friends house. They are also more keen on doing things themselves.
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  • Middle Childhood Sense of Self

    Middle Childhood Sense of Self
    Time: Roughly 7-9 Years
    Milestone: Social-Emotional
    Description: Around this time, a child starts to form a sense of self. They view themselves as the smartest, the tallest, the fastest, etc. This starts to develop their views on their own "strengths" and "weaknesses" and they start to compare themselves to others.
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  • Middle Childhood Vocabulary Development

    Middle Childhood Vocabulary Development
    Time: Around 11 years old
    Milestone: Cognitive (Language)
    Description: By around the fifth grade, a child's vocabulary has grown considerably. Learning about 20 words per day, a child has expanded their vocabulary to around 40,000 words and can use those words in different contexts.
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  • Physical Signs of Puberty

    Physical Signs of Puberty
    Time: 12-14 years old
    Milestone: Physical
    Description: In males, the beginning signs of puberty can start as early as 10, but usually show closer to the 12-14 range. This includes the deepening of the voice, genitalia growing in size, pubic and facial hair developing, and height and weight increase. These physical changes can drastically change the appearance of a person.
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  • Cognitive Empathy

    Cognitive Empathy
    Time: Roughly 15 Years old
    Milestone: Cognitive
    Description: Cognitive Empathy is knowing how someone feels and finding ways to help. As children, we learn to empathize with others, but we find ourselves just feeling what others feel. As we grow through adolescence, we start finding ways to help out those going through some type of issue. This is what leads to our cognitive empathy.
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  • "Who Am I" Mentality

    "Who Am I" Mentality
    Time: 15-18 Years (And beyond)
    Milestone: Psychosocial
    Description: As we progress through adolescence, we hit a point of wondering just who we are. This can be represented in a number of ways. Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Gender Identity, Future Career, Socio-Economic Status, etc. These thoughts sometimes plague us and lead us to wonder it for many years. Not all come at once or are solved in the same amount of time.
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  • Realization of Change (Particularly from the future)

    Realization of Change (Particularly from the future)
    Time: 17-18 Years
    Milestone: Social-Emotional
    Description: As we approach the 18 year mark, we go through a sudden realization of change. For most people, they would be on their 13 year of school, in 12th grade, as a senior in high school. That sudden realization that they may lose a lot of close friends due to lack of contact, or may move due to a new college, can lead to huge emotional stresses. Sudden change can be very difficult for people.
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  • 18th Birthday

    18th Birthday
    Time: 18 years old
    Milestone: All
    Description: On December 8, 2000, Kyle was born as a healthy baby boy. Now, on December 8, 2018 (The day the assignment is due), Kyle is ready to face the world. He graduated high school earlier this year and has already started college. He's moved on from Adolescence and is ready to face adulthood. Thanks for a wonderful timeline.
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