a. The fertilization of the egg which is technical terms is “the joining of sperm and ovum to create the single-celled zygote from which each of us began our lives”
b. Women are typically born with around 400,000 ova (eggs) releasing one egg each month when they ovulate, while men produce sperm on a daily basis, men typically produce several hundred million sperm a day.
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After Conception part II
The three stage...continued.
c. The Fetal Stage – eight weeks to birth, increase in length, become more complex, organs start to work, arms and hands develop at just 4 months the mother can start to feel the baby move and several months later even kick. (google Image) -
After Conception - the three phases
After Conception the prenatal period consist of three phases. The Germinal, Embryonic and the fetal stages.
a. The Germinal Stage – the first and the shortest of all three stages, takes place during the first two weeks after conception, this when the cell division begins and the cells become specialized
b. The Embryonic stage – from two to eight weeks, when significant growth occurs in the major organisms and body systems. The child is called an embryo during this phase.
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Birth- typically at 266 days after conception
a. Birth being when the body released a hormone called CRH triggering the release of various hormones starting the uterine contractions
b. Contractions are the opening and closing to force the head of the fetus towards or against the cervix, the neck of the uterus that separates it from the vagina allowing the baby passage out of the mothers birth canal and into the world
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Toddlerhood - Phsyical Growth
Infants grow at rather rapid pace; having doubled in weight by about 5 months and by their first birthday they usually have tripled their weight. In addition to a healthy weight gain they will also grow in length by average of one foot in the first year and by their third birthday the average height is three feet. Not all body parts will grow at the same rate, since the head will account for one-quarter of a new born weight, the rest of the body will catch up in the within the 1st 2 yrs.(google) -
Toddler - Motor Development
Toddlers wills begin to demonstrate an array of motors skills such as:
11 months: Standing alone
12 months: walking
14.5 months: building things with blocks and objects
16 months; being able to walk up stairs
23 months- jumping up and down in one place
Each child will demonstrate these skills in their own time theses ages are an approximate time frame (google -
Toddlers- Cognitive Development
Language is the cognitive skill that permits children to communicate with others. It can be measured from a baby’s first words to a toddler’s phrases and then to full on sentences. You can refer to Piaget's Six Subcategories of the Sensorimotor Stages to dig deeper -
Toddlers and Language
there are many ways to help a child progress in speech. For example the Interactionist Approach, this approach combines both the Learning theory and the Nativist Perspective. This theory suggests that language development as whole is both a combination of genetically determined predispositions and enviromental circumstances that help teach language -
Early Years (3-6yrs old) - Physical Development
During the Early Years or Preschool Period a child height and weight continue to increase rapidly. They become more muscular and less rounded. The brain grows large and neural interconnections continue to develop. Children will begin to throw and catch balls, use forks and spoons and being to tie their shoelaces as there fine motor skills advance rather quickly during this phase. (google image) -
Early Years (3-6 yrs) Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development between 3-6 yrs. old
Children will begin to show egocentric thinking- viewing the world from their own view. They can also begin to concentrate one task at a time. Their language skills will improve, sentence length, vocabulary and grammar. Memory and attention span will be noticeable, institutive thought process beings. (google image) -
Early Years (3-6yrs.) Social Development
Social Development of Children between ages 3-6.
They begin to develop self-concepts, which may at times be exaggerated. They understand a sense of gender and race. A child will begin to develop friendships based on trust and shared interests; they will see peers as individuals.
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Early Years (3-6yrs.) Emotional Developemnt
A Childs emotional development from 3-6 years can vary a lot. They are aware of social classes, gender differences and have the skills or are learning the skills to interact socially with others and make friends. With these new concepts their emotions at times can be exaggerates, when they are upset they may not have the skillset just set to express it verbally so they may lash out yet because may not fully understand their own emotions at this stage in development, (Google Image). -
Middle Child hood- 6-12 years
During Middle Child Hood 6-12 years
There physical devlopment begins to slow down and progress at more of a steady pace. Gross motor and fine motor skills are more present. -
Middle Childhood - 6-12 years
During this stage children begin yo aplly logical thinking (operations) to solve problems. They understand the concepts of transformation- objects can go through many phases without changing. Memory is developed, storge of information, coding, Language skills, social conersations and interactions -
Middle Childhood - Age 6-12 years
A chids sense of self becomes differentiated. They begin to use soical comparisons on themselves to find their identity. Self- esteem begins to grow and they become aware of what they can and cannot do. Children will begin to approach moral issues with a sense of what sociaty consideres as right or wrong -
Middle Childhood- 6-12 years
Children will begin to develope frienships, they patterns of friendship will differ between boys ad girls. The boys will mainly play and interect with boys in largeer groups. While girls will intereact in pairs with other girls or rather one on one. -
Adolescence 12-20 years
During Adolescence both boys and grils with expereince growth and puberty. Girls generally start pubety around 11-12, while boys start later 13-14. Their sexual characteristics will come into play, both primary (repoductive organs) and secodary (hair, breasts, deep voices) -
Adolescence 12-20 years
Their abstract thought is evident, they can use formal logic to solve issues. You can see an improvement in mathematical, verbal and spatil skills, they can think hypothetically and divide theit attention. -
Adolescence 12-20 years
Teens become self-conscious, they are aware that they are always being observed-, egocentrisim developes. They can develope a sense of invulenerability leading to dangerous situations as they may beign to ignore danger. -
Adolescence 12-20 years
Self-concept becomes organized, it can reflect others perceptions. Self esteem is indifferent or unstable. Popularity can be an issues, peer pressure can influence decisions and enforce conformity (wanting to fit in). Sexuality is evident, dating, and hanigng out with the opposite sex