Innocent babies wallpapers 01

child development milstones

  • 2 months

    2 months
    1. Begins to smile at people
    2. Coos, makes gurgling sounds
    3. Pays attention to faces
    4. Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy
  • 4 month

    4 month
    1. Smiles spontaneously, especially at people
    2. Babbles with expression and copies sounds he hears
    3. Responds to affection
    4. May be able to roll over from tummy to back
  • 6 months

    6 months
    1. Knows familiar faces and begins to know if someone is a stranger.
    2. Responds to sounds by making sounds
    3. Brings things to mouth
    4. Begins to sit without support
  • 9 months

    9 months
    1. May be afraid of strangers
    2. Copies sounds and gestures of others
    3. Plays peek-a-boo
    4. Stands, holding on
  • 1 year

    1 year
    1. Is shy or nervous with strangers
    2. Responds to simple spoken requests
    3. Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing
    4. Gets to a sitting position without help.
  • 18 months

    18 months
    1. Likes to hand things to others as play
    2. Says and shakes head “no"
    3. Points to get the attention of others
    4. May walk up steps and run
  • 2 years

    2 years
    1. Gets excited when with other children
    2. Points to things or pictures when they are named
    3. Begins to sort shapes and colors
    4. Kicks a ball
  • 3 Years

    3 Years
    1. Copies adults and friends
    2. Can name most familiar things
    3. Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts
    4. Climbs well
  • 4 years old

    4 years old
    1. Enjoys doing new things
    2. Knows some basic rules of grammar, such as correctly using “he” and “she"
    3. Names some colors and some numbers
    4. Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
  • 5 years

    5 years
    1. Wants to please friends.
    2. Speaks very clearly
    3. Can draw a person with at least 6 body parts.
    4. Can do a somersault.