New Born!
She was born on April 30, 1996 in Mexicali B.C Mexico at 6:30 p.m. -
4 months
- follows moving object or person with eyes.
- cries (with tears) to communicate pain, fear, discomfort, and loniness.
- explores objects with mouth.
8 months
-needs at least 3-4 feedings per day.
-recognizes and looks for familiar voices and sounds
-responds to own name. -
12 months
- walks holding onto furniture or with adult help.
- "dances" or bounces to music.
- pushes away something he/she does not want.
12-18 months
- weights 17-30 pounds, height 27-35 pounds.
- says "hi"
18-24 months
- very possesive, acts shy around strangers
- hums or tries to sing.
- open cabinets, drawers, and boxes
Two years old
- can be extremely demanding and persistant
- has almost all full set of teeth
- interestes in using common items.
3 years old
- 75 to 80% of his/her speech is under standable
- seek a attention and aprroval of adults.
- can wash teeth, hands, and get a drink.
4 years old
- can recognize some letters of taught and may be able to print down name.
- wieght: 27-30
- enjoys playing with other children.
5 years old
- invents games with simple rules.
- left or right had dominance is established.
- able to memorize address and phone number.
6 through 8 year old
- being with friends is becoming increidably important.
- development of permanet teeth.
- longer attention span.
9 though 11 years old
- begins to see parents and authorites as fallible human beings.
- girls are generally as much s 2 years ahead in physical maturity, girls may begin to menstruate.
- may be very interested in discussing a future career.