child development

  • Conception-Month 1

    Conception-Month 1
    1.Conception-Month 1 2. its called a zygoat 3. At three weeks pregnant, your child has already developed all his genetic material – and the sex is already decided.
    1.morning sickness 2. Breast Tenderness 3. Frequent Urination
    Tips & Tricks
    1. no smoking/drinking 2.Prepare a budget to save for when your baby arrives. 3. Get up to speed on your health insurance coverage for prenatal visits, delivery, and the care of your child.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    1. Baby goes from blastocyst to zygote that dividing ball of cells takes on a more human form 3. Your baby is now a little under an inch
    1. Nausea, vomiting,2.sensitivity, 3.Sexual desire may wan as fatigue and nausea increase.
    tips n tricks
    1.Eat your comfort foods 2. relax 3. smell fresh things
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    1) Baby is officially a fetus. 2) The baby is 2-4 inches long. 3)By the end of the 3rd month, all the babies organs are developed and it begins to move.
    1) Nausea may decrease. 2) Middle of body may widen. 3) Moodiness and food wants may continue.
    Tips & Tricks
    1)You may receive a CVS ( Chorionic Villus Sampling) to detect any "problems" with the baby. 2) Watch your weight. 3) Monitor your blood pressure.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    1)Baby is 5-6 inches long now. 2)Face and heart are fully formed at this point. 3)Baby's eyes will open and it will feel the need to suck.
    1)May people the baby move just a tad. 2)Horomonzes stabalize. 3)May develop heart burn.
    Tips & Tricks
    1) Start shopping for pregnancy clothes. 2) Sign up for prenatal classes. 3)Take the AFP test.
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    1)Baby is about 10 ounces and 6-9 inches long. 2) Baby is covered with fine protective hair. 3) Baby girls ovaries start to form now.
    1)Most moms gain 5-15 pounds. 2)Uterus is the size of a cantaloupe. 3) Belly button may pop out.
    Tips & Tricks
    1) Talk to your doctor about fatiigness. 2) Right down everything important so you don't forget. 3) Talk to talker about discomfort.
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    1)Baby is 10 inches long and a little over a pound. 2) Baby begins to move A LOT. 3) "Finishing Touches", ex; eyebrows, have finished forming.
    1) Uterus is now the size of a basketball. 2) Bleeding gums and leg cramps may intensify at this time. 3) Will gain about a pound a week at this time.
    Tips & Tricks
    1)Talk to your doctor about varicose veins or hemorrhoids. 2) Listen to your body, take naps and sleep when tired. 3) May be a good idea to be tested for gestational diabetes
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    1) Baby is beginning to develop fat under its skin. 2) Baby is about 12 inches long and between 2 and 4 pounds. 3) The baby can now hear, see, and taste.
    1)Stretch marks start to appear. 2) Start to have to pee more often because of the baby movement. 3) Discomfort increases.
    Tips & Tricks
    1) If you're Rh-negative then you may receive a shot of Rhogam at this time. 2) Talk to caregiver about you're birth plan. 3) Set up all details that are open ended.
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    1) Baby may be a foot or more long and about five pounds. 2) Lungs and brain are countinuing to develop. 3) Movements may start to slow down now that the baby if getting bigger.
    1)Continues to gain about a pound a week. 2) Pelvis pressure increases. 3) Braxton Hicks contractions may become more regular.
    Tips & Tricks
    1)Monitor your blood pressure. 2) Stay off your feet a little less. 3) If you want the baby to come faster, then go on walks and things like that more often.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    1)Lungs are maturing. 2)Starts to shed the layer of hair that was protecting the baby. 3) Measures about 18-21 inches long and weighs about 6-8 pounds.
    1)May breathe a little bit easier as the baby begins to settle down. 2) Sleep will become more difficult. 3) Some woman expieriance a "Nesting Instinct" and prepare the house for the baby's arrival.
    Tips & Tricks
    1) Set up the house. 2) Calm down and relax. Take breaks as needed. 3) Talk to doctor about birth plan.
  • Delivery

    1) Baby begins to come out head first, unless its breached. 2) A baby's Thyroid level is sky-high. 3)The baby can feel pain, although doctors dont know how much pain the baby is in during birth.
    1) The mother is not allowed to eat solid foods when labor begins. 2) Contractions are described by many as the worst part. 3) It is not over once the baby is born, must deliver the after birth.
    Tips & Tricks
    1) JUST BREATHE. 2) Have support. 3) Thinks about the joy.