My birthday!
I was born on december 26, 1996 at bethany hospital. I weighed 6lbs 12oz at 1:29 pm (: -
4 Months old
Physical deveolpment : Sleeps about 14-17 hours a day
Social and emotional deveolpment: Responds to peek-a-boo games
Cognitive development: Plays with hands, fingers and toes -
8 months
Physical deveolpment : Weighs 14-23 pounds
Social and emotional deveolpment: Responds to own name
Cognitive development: Enjoys dropping objects -
12 months
Physical deveolpment : Needs 3 meals a day & 2 snacks in between
Social and emotional deveolpment: Imitats adults actions of drinking from cup, and talking on the phone
Cognitive development: says first word -
12 to 18 montha .
Physical deveolpment : likes to push, pull and dumb things
Social and emotional deveolpment: Likes handing objects to others
Cognitive development: Plays peek-a-boo -
18 to 24 months
Physical deveolpment : weights 20-32 pounds
Social and emotional deveolpment: Acts shy around strangers
Cognitive development: uses 2-3 word sentences -
2 years old
Physical deveolpment : Height 32-40 inches
Social and emotional deveolpment: Shows affectionate.
Cognitive development: says names of toys -
3 years old
Physical deveolpment : Puts on shoes (but cannot tie laces)
Social and emotional deveolpment: Answers whether he is a boy or girl
Cognitive development: Talks so that 75 to 80 percent of his speach is understandable -
four years old
Physical deveolpment : Walks in a straight line
Social and emotional deveolpment: Enjoys playing with other children
Intellectual development: Can place objects in a straight line from largest to smallest -
five years old
Physical deveolpment : Jumps over low objects
Social and emotional deveolpment: Invents games with simple rules
Intellectual development: Understand about 13,000 words -
6 thur 8 years old
Physical deveolpment : Can catch small balls
Social and emotional deveolpment: May have a best friend
Intellectual development: Reading may become a major interest -
9 thur 11 years old
Physical deveolpment : Improves coordination and reaction timr
Social and emotional deveolpment: May belittle or defy adult authority
Intellectual development: May be very interested in discussing a future career