Months 1-3 Responds to sound and notice bright lights
Months 1-3 be able to focus and stare at faces
Months 1-3 make gurgling sounds
Months 1-3 follow close objects
Months 1-3 know familiar voices
Months 1-3 smile, laugh, and hold head steady
Months 1-3 reach for toys and roll over
Months 1-3 recognize familiar faces
Months 1-3 kick legs and discover both hands
Months 1-3 lifting the chest and head when on stomach
Months 7-9 try to reach toys by wriggling about
Months 4-6 laugh and smile
Months 4-6 stand steady when being held
Months 4-6 respond to their name
Months 4-6 reach out for and hold toys
Months 4-6 roll over
Months 4-6 recognize familiar voices
Months 4-6 imitate sounds and gestures
Months 4-6 sit without support
Months 4-6 make more babbling and chatter sounds
Months 4-6 begin eating solid foods
Months 4-6 hold simple food and feed themselves
Months 7-9 feed themselves finger food
Months 7-0 play simple games, like peek-a-boo
Months 7-9 immitate others
Months 7-9 pass toys from hand to hand and bang them together
Months 7-9 start crawling
Months 7-9 wave bye bye
Months 7-9 Start saying mama and dada
Months 7-9 try to feed themselves with a spoon
Months 7-9 don't like being seperated from mom and dad, wary of strangers
Months 7-9 hold onto something and stand and maybe walk
Months 7-9 drink from a cup
Months 10-12 walk holding onto furniture
Months 10-12 use princer grasp to pick up object
Months 10-12 knows who mama and dada are
Months 10-12 responds to name
Months 10-12 play simple games like patty cake and ball tossing
Months 10-12 help tidy up
Months 10-12 clap hands and wave goodnye
Months 10-12 talk baby talk incessantly
Months 10-12 say a few extra words
Months 10-12 crawl well and maybe walk a few steps
Months 10-12 can indicate needs and understand basic instructions
Months 10-12 pull off socks