Period: to
First Year Of Life
Reflex- Grasping Reflex
Reponse to a touch on the palm of the hand. Infants can grasp an object such as a finger, so strongly that they can be lifted into the air. -
Reflex- Rooting Reflex
Movement toward where the infant has been touch. This normally happens more towards the mouth. -
Physical- Raises Head
The infant can hold it's head at 45 degrees. This action allows the child to look around. -
Physical- Rolls Over
The infant can roll over. This allows the child to move a little more. -
Perceptual- Develop Visual
The infant can strongly preference faces and patterns. -
Physical- Sits Up
The infant can sit up with no help and can stay up in the sitting postition with no help. -
Perceptual- Three Dimensional
The fear of falling. The infant feels and understands the fear of falling can tell what three dimensional things are. -
Physical - Pulls Self Up
The infant is able to use furniture to pull it's self up into a standing position. -
Physical - Creep
The infant learns how to crawl and can move around easier. -
Language - Cooing
The infant lessens its crying and starts to make cooing more then crying. -
Physical - Stand
The infant can stand by itself and does not need help to stand. -
Language - Babbling
The infant hears people around talking but the infant does not know how to form word yet. They start with words like "mama" or "baba"