chelsey foley

  • prenatal (frist month)

    prenatal (frist month)
    By the end of the frist month, the embroy is about 1/10 of an inch long. The heart, which is no longer then a poppy seed, has begun beating.
  • prenatal ( second month)

    prenatal ( second month)
    The embroy is about 1 inch long and has discint, slightly webbed fingers. Veins are clearly visble. The heart has divied into right and left chambers.
  • prenatal (third month)

    prenatal (third month)
    By now the fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and is fully formed. He has begun swallowing and kicking. All organs and musceles have formed and are beginning to function.
  • prenatal (forth month)

    prenatal (forth month)
    Your baby is covered with a layer of thick, downay hair called lanugo. His heartbeat can be heared clearly. This is when you may feel your baby's frist kick.
  • prenatal ( 5 MONTH)

    prenatal ( 5 MONTH)
    A protective coating called vernix caseosa begins to from on baby's skin. By the end of this month, your baby will be nearly 8 inches long and weigh almost a pound.
  • prenatal ( 6 MONTH)

    prenatal ( 6 MONTH)
    Eyebrows and eyelids are visble. Your baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and has startedbreathing motions. If you talk or sing, he can hear you.
  • prenatal ( 7 MONTH)

    prenatal ( 7 MONTH)
    By the end of the seventh month, your baby weighs about 3 1/2 pounds and is about 12 inches long. His body is well-formed figernails cover his fingertips.
  • prenatal ( 8 MONTH)

    prenatal ( 8 MONTH)
    Your baby is gaining about half a pound per week, and layers of fat are piling on. He has probably turneed head-down in preparation for birth. He weighs between 4 and 6 pounds.
  • prenatal ( 9 MONTH)

    prenatal ( 9 MONTH)
    Your baby is a hefty 6 to9 pounds and measures between 19 and 22 inches. As he becomes more crowded, you may feel him move around less.
  • infant

    Physical:can flip and flop over, like colors, and they love to roll
  • infant

    they love to say boo alot
  • infant

    they learn that other adults are the same as there parent
  • Babies

    Little baby teeth, pick up cups
  • babies

    put things in there mouth
  • babies

    babys wave bye bye, they also watch other people
  • toddlers

    learn to walk, stack blocks
  • toddlers

    look and touch everything, point
  • toddlers

    play alone
  • toddlers (2 to3 years)

    toddlers (2 to3 years)
    get potty trained
  • toddlers

    more thinking
  • toddlers

    play with other kids
  • perschoolers

    run and jump, they can also feed ther selves
  • preschoolers

    minds is always thanking, they like to sing
  • preschoolers

    sing to gether, loves to share