Booths group
Booth organized a group of people loyal too him. -
Booth's Plan
Booth and his group made a plan to ambush lincolns carrage. -
There was a torch parade. There was thousands of people. -
Lincoln said a speech that provoked more violent talk. -
Lincoln's shot
John W. Booth shoots President Lincoln. -
John runs
John shoots lincoln then tries to run but get his jacket pulled back by Major Rathbone. -
Lincoln enters
Lincoln enters fords theatre at 8:30 p.m. -
Lincoln dies
Abraham Lincoln dies in a hospital bed. -
Atzerot Accidentaly Reveals himself
Atzerot Accidentaly Reveals himself is important because he would have most likely gotten away. -
manhunters investigate
Tha manhunters investigate the mudd residence. -
Abraham Lincoln's funeral. -
Hiding out
Booth and harald hide in the pine thicket -
Set sail
Booth and harold set sail for verginia again. -
Meet the soldiers
Booth and harold meet the soldiers and cross the rappahannock -
Lafayette discovers that booth is in virginia. -
the cavalry arrived.
The cavalry meet booth in virginia. -
Booth dies
John W. Booth dies -
Booth captured
John W. Booth gets trapped in the barn. -
Booth shot
Booth gets shot behind the ear -
Booth in barn
Booth is sleeping in the barn.