Chasing Lincolns killer

  • Booth travels

    Booth visited the Bryantown tavern in southern Maryland.
  • Booths plan

    Booth and his henchmen planned to ambush Lincoln's carriage at gunpoint.
  • Appomattox Court House

    Virginia Surrendered.
  • Washington celebrated

    washington had celebrated with a grand illumination of the city.
  • Booths letter

    Booth got his letter that the President Was going to ford's Theater.
  • Booth reades his letter

    12:30P.M. Booth reades his letter he got from the White House Messenger.
  • Booth enters the thearter

    9:00P.M. Booth goes into the theater for the first time with the president in it.
  • Booth draws his weapons

    10:00 P.M. Booth draws his weapons .44 Deringer pistol and a Rio Grande Knife.
  • Lincoln gets shot

    Lincoln's shot in the back of the head.
  • Laura Keene

    Laura Keene is remembered for one little thing that happened in the president's box.
  • Stanton need help.

    Stanten asked for New York's best Detectives to help him search for Lincoln's killer.
  • John wilkes booth

    the chains that led john wilkes booth to mudd’s farm begun 6 months earlier in Montreal Canada
  • Stanton

    4:00 A.M. Stantion was dealing with conspiracy
  • lincoln

    7:20 A.M more than once they thought that lincoln was dead.
  • lincoln's heart stopped

    lincoln's heart stopped beating at 7:22 and 10 seconds.
  • booth was in trouble

    Booth was in grave danger.
  • Stanton didn't know where booh was.

    Stanton had no idea of John wilkes booth's location or destination.
  • Most successful day in the manhunt.

    The Arrest of arnold O’Laughlen,and Spangler was the most successful day in the 3 day old manhunt.
  • Jones

    Jones paid his third call to the Fugitives.
  • Dr.Mudd was questioned.

    Dr.Mudd was questioned again by the cavarly.
  • John wilkes Booth was Captured

    John wilkes Booth was captured and shot.