Booth organized his own band of conspirators
The Union celebrated there victory
Booth Planned to kill the Unions Goverment top leaders
President Lincoln was shot by Booth
Booth Escaped and got a horse
Powell Tried to kill sward
Lincoln dies At 7:22 a.m.
Dr. Mudd figured out that Booth killed Lincoln
Thomas Jones Went to the pine thicket
Jones went to Booth and Herold for the third time to bring supplies
Calvary Went to Mudds farm
Presidents Lincolns funeral
Attempt to cature Atzerodt
Made a reward of $100,000 for Lincolns Killers
Spotted the assassins
Booth and Herold went on the boat to Virginia
Booth and Herold made it to Virginia soil
Booth spent the night on Garretts farm
Herold surrenderd
Booth was shoot and killed