Charles Dickens

  • Charles is born

    Charles Dickens is born on the 7th February, 1812. His parents are Catherine and John Dickens.
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    John Dickens sent to Debtors Prison

    Charles' father is sent to debtors pison for failure to pay a debt.
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    Charles sent to blacking factory.

    When Charles is only 12, he is sent to a shoe-polish factory. This was to earn finances for the family because his father had been sent to debtors prison. Luckily he is relieved from work and his father released from prison a year later.
  • Charles begins work

    Charles becomes the clerk to an attorney when he is 15.
  • Charles begins work as a free-lance reporter

    Charles begins work as a free-lance newspaper reporter ar=t Doctor's Commons Courts.
  • Charles is engaged

    Charles is engaged to his future wife, Catherine.
  • Charles' first book begins publication

    Charles' first book begins publication
    Charles' first book, The Pickwick Papers, is published. It is released in segments each month.
  • Charles marries

    Charles marries
    Charles Dickens marries his wife, Catherine Hogath.
  • Publication of Oliver Twist begins

    The famous story 'Oliver Twist' begins publication.
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    Charles and his family tour a selection of countries.

    Charles and his family tour Italy, Switzerland, and France.
  • Publication of David Copperfield begins

    Publication of David Copperfield begins
    The publication of David Copperfield begins.
  • Dickens performs a public reading

    Dickens performs a public reading
    Dickens performs a public reading in London for pay.
  • Charles experiences an accident.

    Charles experiences an accident.
    Charles was returning from Paris when the train he was on crashed. This hurt Dickens both physically and mentally.
  • Charles Dickens dies

    Charoes Dickens dies at his home 'Gad's Hill Place'. He is halfway through publishing his book 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood'.