Charles Dickens

  • Birth

    Charles John Huffam Dickens was born February,12th,1812 in the small city of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. Charles was born from his mother, Elizabeth and his Father, John. Charles was the first of 8 children, and was born into an average life but that quickly deteriorated.
  • Bleak Childhood

    Bleak Childhood
    After living an average life for a couple of years Charles family started to break down. The Dickens family lost a lot of money and we're slowly going into debt. In 1822 the Dickens family had to move a poor part of London called Camden Town. Soon after this Charles was forced out of school to work and make income for his family.
  • Discovered Aluminium

    Discovered Aluminium
    In 1825 one of the most widely used metals in the world was discovered. Aluminium was discovered in Denmark by Hans Christian Oersted. This durable metal paved the way for inventions and devices we still use today, without it I might not have been able to type this paragraph
  • The First Photograph

    The First Photograph
    In 1826 the first know photograph was taken. The photo was taken by a french inventor named Joseph Nicephore Niepce. The photo was a picture of an upstairs window view from Niepce's estate. Even though the photos quality was terrible, it paved the way for the cameras and photos that we see today.
  • Sketches by Boz

    Sketches by Boz
    Sketches by Boz also known as "Illustrative of everyday life and everyday people was a short collection of stories by Charles Dickens. The sketches were published and featured in newspapers between the years 1833 and 1836. These sketches were the things Charles used to set off his very successful writing career.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    In 1835 Texas wanted independence from Mexico and set up a fort to defend themselves from the Mexican invaders. On February, 23, 1836 an army in the 1000's of Mexican soldiers started the siege of the fort. Although extremely out numbered, James Bowie, William Travis (leaders of the fort) and there troops fought for 13 days before finally be overpowered by the Mexican troops. The Texans used this battle as a memorial for there independence which they were granted 1 year later.
  • Married

    After Charles bleak young years and his father getting sent to debtors prison, his life took a turn towards the better. Charles was making good money and met a women named Catherine Hogarth. The two got married on April 2nd, 1836 when Charles was at the age of 24, and Catherine was at the age of 21. Catherine brought him happiness and Catherine even got pregnant 12 times! Unfortunately Catherine had 2 miscarriages but successfully gave birth to 10 children.
  • Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist
    Oliver Twist was one of Charles most successful novels that he has written. The book had 24 installments and was one of the most widely read Victorian novels. The book is about the life of an orphan who escapes a workshop only to have to endure the real life horrors of life on the London streets. The story almost portrayed his life after moving to Camden.
  • Great Emigration

    Great Emigration
    The Oregon Trail was a trail that led from Independence, Missouri. The Great Emigration was a wagon train made up 1,000 settlers and 1,000 cattle. The settlers went down the Sante Fe trail for 40 miles all the way to the Platte River. After this they had to stock up on supplies for the difficult Blue Mountains coming ahead. The trail after being widely used was abandoned in 1870.
  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol
    A Christmas Carol is another one of Charles most famous titles. The Christmas Carol was written in September 1843, the same year as the Great Emigration. The Christmas Carol was another commercial success, even thought it dealt with deep topics. It was about a rotten old man named Ebenezer Scrooge who was ungrateful with his wealth and treated people awfully. So he was visited by several ghost which warned him he would have to be polite or he would die without anyone loving him.
  • Hard Times

    Hard Times
    Hard Times by Charles was a controversial book. Although Charles was known for writing about deep, dark and realist topics, Hard Times was not well received. The story is about Coketown, an imaginary town in the industrial revolution, the story includes the depressing struggles of the people that live in the town.
  • Tale of Two Cities

    Tale of Two Cities
    Yet again another great selling book from Charles was the Tale of Two Cities. Published later in Charles life in 1859 the book sold well and coped well with the poor people of London. A Tale of Two Cities is about the lives of a aristocracy and lower classes thorough the years leading up to the french revolution
  • Beginning of the Civil War

    Beginning of the Civil War
    In the spring of 1861 the northern and southern part of the United States tensions were finally bubbling over. The war was started after several disagreements from the opposite halves of the US. Whether that be over the law of slaves or each states rights. All the disagreements inside the country started a civil war that lasted 4 years.
  • Great Expectations

    Great Expectations
    Great Expectations was a very well received book written by Charles. The book had a deeply rooted plot and received universal acclaim. The book is about an orphan named Pip who dreamed of being a blacksmith like his step brother. At the age of 8 Pip met a girl named Estella. Estella goes on to destroy Pips peace of mind.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    In May 9th, 1865 the bloody most costly war on US soil ended, but it didn't end without any structure. Some of the famous battle that took place are Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Vicksburg. The fight inside the country killed 620,000 out of 2.4 million soldiers. To put that into perspective 68,000 people can fit into Gillette Stadium. This war not only had bad effects, one good effect would be that its helped abolish slavery.
  • Death

    Charles had lived a long and full life. Writing books for the world and changing literature for the rest of time. Charles died June, 9th, 1870 in his home in Kent, United Kingdom. Charles died From a stroke at the age of 58.