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Chapters 18 and 19

  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg divides Christianity in Germany

    Peace of Augsburg divides Christianity in Germany
    The Peace of Augsburg solved the religious conflicts between Catholicism and Lutheranism. When Calvinism became a major religion, it wasn't acknowledged in the peace agreement. This led to religious disputes in France. This was an important event because it led to thirty years of fighting, which divides the Holy Roman Empire into 300 states.
  • 1562

    French Religious War Begins

    French Religious War Begins
    These wars were civil wars in France. This war was started because the kings were persecuting Protestants. In this war it was the Huguenots vs. the Ultra Catholics. Religion was the most important issue but many other things played a role in the French religious wars. This was important because it weakened the French monarchy.
  • 1571

    Battle of Lepanto

    Battle of Lepanto
    Before the Ottomans defeat, they conquered Hungary and moved into Austria. In Vienna they were defeated in 1529, which forced them to move into the Western Mediterranean. They were in the Western Mediterranean until the Christian Alliance destroyed a large fleet of theirs. This was important because it was the start of the end of the Ottoman Empire.
  • England defeats Armada

    England defeats Armada
    The Armada was a fleet of warships that King Philip II sent to invade England. England defeated the Armada because they had faster ships. The Armada was forced back to Spain, but before it made it back to Spain they hit a storm. This was an important event in that time because it brought Spain's power to a minimum.
  • Rule of Shah Abbas Begins

    Rule of Shah Abbas Begins
    At the beginning of his rule, Abbas was forced to sign a peace treaty where he lost much territory. He helped the Ṣafavids reach the high point of their glory, and he strengthened his army with the latest weapons. His rule ended in 1629 when he died.
  • Henry IV issues the Edict of Nantes, Ends Wars of Religion

    Henry IV issues the Edict of Nantes, Ends Wars of Religion
    The Edict of Nantes recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France. It also gave the Protestants the right to worship and to enjoy all political rights such as holding public offices. This edict appeased both Catholics and Protestants. This was important because it brought an end to the fighting in France.
  • Stuart Dynasty begins

    Stuart Dynasty begins
    James I was the first king. He believed he has the divine right of kings. The Puritans didn't like his strong defense of the Church of England. They wanted to make it more Protestant. This conflict played out during the reign of his son, Charles I. After a civil war, the dynasty was restored.
  • Start of 30 Years' War

    Start of 30 Years' War
    The 30 years war is also known as the "last of the religious wars." It was between Catholicism and Calvinism. The start of the 30 Years War was caused by religious conflicts when the Peace of Augsburg breaks down. It turned political when other countries got involved. The Peace of Westphalia ended it.
  • Shah Jahan gains control of India

    Shah Jahan gains control of India
    Shah Jahan came to power through the dynasty of Nur Jahan. During his reign, Shah Jahan maintained the political system and expanded the boundaries of his empire. He, however, had an empty treasury. Military and building projects forced Shah Jahan to raise taxes, which made many of his subjects poor. Shah Jahan later came down with an illness and died. The reign of Shah Jahan laid the foundation for Aurangzeb's rule, which ultimately divided India.
  • Parliament passed Petition of Rights

    Parliament passed Petition of Rights
    The Parliament didn't like the idea of divine rights of kings. They passed the Petition of rights, which limited the king's power. It placed limits on the king's ability to tax, imprison citizens without cause, quarter troops, and institute martial law. Charles accepted this petition, but later realized it limited his power. Then, he ignored it.
  • England Civil War

    England Civil War
    The civil war in England was also known as the English Revolution. The English civil war was between the king and Parliament to determine who will govern England. This was important because it would give Parliament the power that it still has today.
  • Aurangzeb became Emperor of India

    Aurangzeb became Emperor of India
    In order to become emperor, Aurangzeb put his brother to death and imprisoned his father. He was very religious and reversed policies of religious tolerance. His policies led the Hindu's to revolt against authority. He came to an end in 1707. This was important because it led to the destruction of Delhi.
  • Louis's Wars

    Louis's Wars
    He carried out four wars from 1667 to 1713 to gain military glory and ensure that his Bourbon dynasty dominated Europe. His standing army had 400,000 people. He gained territory and sat up a member of his own dynasty on the throne of Spain.
  • Ottomans unsuccessfully besiege Vienna

    Ottomans unsuccessfully besiege Vienna
    The Ottoman Empire remained without war. . However, they went on an adventure laying siege to Vienna. After being attacked by a European army, the Ottomans retreated and were pushed out of Hungary. This was important because they were never a threat to central Europe again.
  • Delhi is destroyed by Persians

    Delhi is destroyed by Persians
    Babur forces had advanced weapons and he captured Delhi. This was important because Babur established power in the Plains of India. Which Babur's grandson was later able to increase the size of his empire. The Persians left Delhi in ashes.