Polar Bear Garden
William Seward bought Alaska. He bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. He was very criticized, he was called the "Polar Bear Garden". all information found in Social Studies book -
European nations divide central and West Afria at the Berlin West Africa conference. all information found in Social Studies book -
Pearl Harbor
The United States pressured Hawaii into letting them have a naval base in Pearl Harbor. The base became an important re-feuling stations for American and Asian military ships. all information found in Social Studies book -
Queen Lilioukalani
Queen Lilioukalani became leader of Hawaii. She believed that the United Staes planters had to much influence. all information found in Social Studies book -
Havana's Harbor
President McKinley sent U.S.S Maine to Cuba. Later the ship was dispatched to protect United States citizens. A month later the U.S.S Maine exploded and sank in Havana's Harbor. all information found in Social Studies book -
Cuba's Independence
President McKinley signed a cnoressional resoloution that called for Cub's independence. He game Sapin 3 days to respond. Spain refused and the the Spanish- American war began. all information found in Social Studies book -
Open Door Policy
John Hay asked nations involved in the regions to follow an Open Door Policy. This meant that no single country should have a monoply trade with China. all information found in Social Studies book -
Roosevelt Corollary
President Roosevelt added the Roosevelt Corollory. It stated that would not only prevent European intervention in Latin America, it said that it authorized the United States as "policemen" in the region.
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Panama Canal
The total cost of the Panama Canal to build it was $352 million dollars. More then 45,000 workers were needed. all information found in Social Studies book -
World War 1
Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia and World War 1 began. World War 1 ended on November 11th, 1918 all information found in Social Studies book