Human genome project...

Chapter 7 Tech

  • Watson and Crick Found the Shape of DNA

    Watson and Crick Found the Shape of DNA
    Watson and Crick discovered that the shape on DNA is a double helix.
  • 64 Combinations

    64 Combinations
    Several scientists, including Marshall Nirenberg, discover 64 combinations of bases within the genetic code. Each combination consists of three bases.
  • Paul Berg

    Paul Berg
    Paul Berg recombined DNA , first one to do so.
  • Modification

    Any Genetically modified organisms are now able to be patented.
  • Humulin

    Is the first genetically engineered drug.
  • Kary Mullis

    Kary Mullis
    Develops polymerase chain reaction, PCR, which is a technique that produces large amounts of a specific DNA sequence.
  • Human Genome Project Begins

    Human Genome Project Begins
  • Tommie Lee Andrews

    Tommie Lee Andrews
    First person to be convicted of a crime by the use of DNA.
  • Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic Fibrosis
    Francis Collins and Lap-Chee Tsui discover cystic fibrosis.
  • Gene Therapy

    Gene Therapy
    It was successfully used on a patieint.
  • Huntington's Disease

    Huntington's Disease
    The gene responsible for it is discovered.
  • Genetically Altered Tomatoes

    Genetically Altered Tomatoes
    FDA approves genetically altered tomatoes.
  • O.J. Simpson Case

    O.J. Simpson Case
    DNA is being carfully analized.
  • First Clone

    First Clone
    The first cloning (Dolly the Sheep) wasa succesful.
  • Human Genome Sequence Draft

    Human Genome Sequence Draft
    An initial draft of the human genome is presented.
  • DNA is Sequenced

    DNA is Sequenced
    The entire human genome is sequenced.