Reading 18 The Invasion of Russia
During this time period, WW2 had started and Hitler was unleashing his army all over the world. on June 22, 1942 Hitler invaded Soviet Russia. -
Reading 1 Hitler's "Saturday Surprises"
On March 8, 1935, Hitler did a satruday surprise. This was the act of him building up Germany's militaryt in the act of self defence. Hitler continued to have more saturday surprises to build up his army and to help Germany. -
Reading 2 Taking Austria
Hitler needed to expand Germany, so he saught to take over other countries. After building up his nation, Hitler targeted Austria and he took it over. Austria thenn became part of Germany, and the rest of the world did not do a thing about it. -
Chapter 4 Appeasing Hitler
After Hitler successfully took over Austria, he wanted even more land. Hitlers next target was Czechoslovakia. Hitler was about to take it over, but other countries offered him another piece of land as long as he stopped fighting for territory. -
Chapter 14
Hitler now wanted to take over Poland. He declared war on poland on August 31, 1939. Hitler then sent in his army to invade Poland and to take it over. -
Reading 15 Conquests in the East
In the fall of 1939, Hitler began too terrorize the Polish people after he captured their homeland. Hitler also started discriminating against the Jews during this time. -
Reading 17 Conquests in the West
By this time, Hitler had almost taken over all of western europe. He had conquered every country in western europe, except for Britian. By this point, the war was just about to begin as other countries could no longer sit and watch as Hitler took over the world. -
Reading 19 The United States Enters the War
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The very next day, America Declared War on Japan, and therefore Hitler and Japan declared war on America.