Bessemer Process chp.6
The Bessemer Process was created by Henry Bessemer and William Kelly. The technique involved injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities, This innovation was then made better and they were able to create mass production of steel which led to building of skyscrapers and railroads. -
Period: to
chp.6 Industrial Age
Period: to
chp.7 Immigrants and Urbanization
Period: to
chp.8 Life at the turn of the 20th century
Period: to
chp.9 The Progressive Era
Period: to
chp.10 America Claims an Empire
Ellis Island chp.7
Immigrants were possibly admitted to the U.S. throught Ellis Island in New York. Immigrants had to pass inspections at stations and about 20% of immigrants were detained a day or more before being inspected. -
Plessy v. Ferguson chp.8
Homer Plessy took a seat in "Whites Only" car and refused to move. He was arrested and tried. The supreme court ruled seperate but equal was legal and did not violate the constitution. -
U.S.S Maine sinks chp.10
President McKinley ordered the U.S.S. Maine to cuba to bring home American citizens in danger from fighting but the shop blew up in the harbor of Havana and more than 260 men were killed. Americans claimed the spanish blew up the ship and so the U.S joined the war. -
Period: to
Chp.17 The U.S. in WW2
Period: to
chp.11 The first World War
U.S. enters World War 1 chp.11
After germany threated to sink any ships in British waters and ignored President Wilsons peace offer, Wilson declares war on Germany. -
Period: to
chp.12 Politics of the Roaring Twenties
Period: to
Chp. 13 The roaring life of the 1920s
Eighteenth Amendment chp.13
This caused Prohibition which the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages wee illegal. This caused bootlegging and much more crime than when alcohol was allowed. -
Nineteenth Amendment chp.9
Due to womens help during the war, congressed passed the 19th amendment which granted women the right to vote. -
Quota system chp.12
The system establushed the maximum number of people who could eter the United States from each foreign country. The goal of the system was to cute sharply European immigration to the U.S. because there was anti-immigrant feelings after WW1. -
Period: to
Chp.14 The Great Depression Begins
The stock market crashes chp.14
Because so many people were paying with credit they didn't actually have that money which then led to the stock market crash, The crash led to people painicing over the banks which then caused the great depression. -
Period: to
Chp.16 World War looms
Period: to
Chp. 15 The New Deal
The New Deal chp.15
FDR created the new deal. The program was designed to alleviate the problems of the great depression. It focused on three goals: Relief for needy, economic recovery, and financial reform. -
The U.S. enters World War 2 chp.16
After the German submarine fired on the U.S. destroyer Greer Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to respond. Later Japan attacked the U.S. and the U.S. declared war. -
Period: to
Chp. 18 Cold War Conflicts
Atomic Bombing on Japan chp.17
American created the atomic bomb to use on germany but they were retreating so they decided to us it on Japan. U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrendered in 1945. -
Period: to
Chp.19 The Postwar Boom
North Atlantic Treaty Orangization (NATO) chp.18
An organization of 12 members pledged military support to one another in case any member was attacked. NATO kept a standing military force of more than 500,000 troops as well as thousands of planes, tanks, and other equipment. -
Period: to
Chp.21 Civil Rights
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka chp.21
Supreme court case where the father of Linda Brown charged the Board for violating Linda's rights. Court ruled desegregation of public schools. -
Baby Boom chp.19
1946- 1964. When soldiers returned from WW2 they settled into their families and the population exploded. The brithrate grew, At the height of the babyboob in 1957, one american infant was born every seven seconds. -
Period: to
Chp.20 The New Frontier and The Great Society
Period: to
Chp.22 The Vietnam War Years
Period: to
Chp.23 An Era of Social Change
U.S. troops enter Vietnam chp.20
U.S. troops arrive at Vietnam to stop communism. -
Period: to
Chp.24 An Age of Limits
Neil Armstrong walks on the moon ch.24
After a race to space, the U.S. has the first astronaut to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong. -
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) chp.23
Congressed passed the amendment that guarentee that both men and woman would have the same rights and protections under the law. -
U.S. signs cease-fire with North Vietnam and Vietcong chp.22
Under the agreement, North Vietnamese troops would remain in South Vietnam but Nixon promised to respond with full force to any violatio of the peace agreement. -
Period: to
Chp.25 The Conservative Tide
HIV and AIDS scare chp.25
It was one of the most troubling issues in the 1980s. AIDS psread reapidly throughout the world. As the epidemic grew so did concern over prevention and a cure. -
Period: to
Chp.26 The United States in Today's World
9/11 chp.26
On September11th there was a terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon with hijacked planes. The Twin Towers fell and many died.