
New Nation

  • The Pa Constitution is written

    The Pa Constitution is written
    The Pa government meet in Philadelphia to write their own constitution. Robert Morris, and Benjamin Franklin were the leaders of this is convention.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    The purpose of the Articles was to create a union among the states that gave most of the power in the government to the states themselves. No laws could be passed under the Articles, if less than 9 states vote yes on a law it could not pass
  • Paris Peace Treaty is signed

    Paris Peace Treaty is signed
    The Paris Peace Treaty is part of the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Franklin was the ambassador who took the treaty to the king of England
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia,Pa to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation
  • Pennsylvania Ratifies the new U.S Constitution

    Pennsylvania Ratifies the new U.S Constitution
    In the spring of 1787. Representatives from 12 states gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. They trashed the Articles of Confederation and made the U.S Constitution
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    The German Americans of eastern Pennsylvania rose to another direct tax. This time the tax was on houses, land and slaves
  • A new State Constitution

    A new State Constitution
    After 13 years a new Constitutional convention met in Philadelphia and wrote the state’s second constitution. They constitution divided the government into 3 branches. The executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch
  • The whiskey rebellion

    The whiskey rebellion
    They taxed the Americans on a common drink throughout the U.S, Whiskey. The many Americans rebelled against the excise tax and caused riots throughout the U.S
  • Period: to

    The war of 1812

    After the Paris Peace Treaty had been officially signed. The British ships harassed the U.S ships carrying goods.
  • The battle of Lake Erie

    The battle of Lake Erie
    Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was in charge of the naval forces on Lake Erie. Perry had defeated the British navy in the lake