James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England
James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England
King until 1625 -
Hampton Court Conference
James I rebuffed the Puritans and declared his intention to maintain and enhance the Anglican episcopacy -
Publication of the authorized (King James version of the Bible
Michael Romanov becomes tsar
Puritan separatists left England and founded the Plymouth Colony
Petition of Right
English constitutional document that sets out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibited from break -
Charles I dissolves Parliament and embarks on 11 years of personal rule
Parliament declared Charles I's levying of taxes without consent was an act of treason
Reign of Frederick William
Ruled until 1688 -
Parliament presented Charles with the Grand Remonstrance
Grand Remonstrance was a summary of grievances -
Civil War of England
Lasted until 1646 -
Charles I defeated at Naseby
England becomes Puritan republic
Led by the military dictator Cromwell until his death in 1658 -
Charles I executed
Charles II restored the English Throne
Secret Treaty of Dover between France and England
Parliament passes Test Act
Test Acts were a series of English penal laws that served as a religious test for public office and imposed various civil disabilities on Roman Catholics and nonconformists. -
Popish Plot
The Popish Plot was a fictitious conspiracy concocted by Titus Oates that between 1678 and 1681 gripped the Kingdoms of England and Scotland in anti-Catholic hysteria. Eventually, Oates's intricate web of accusations fell apart, leading to his arrest and conviction for perjury. -
Peter the Great becomes tsar
He assumes personal rule in 1689 -
Turkish siege of Vienna
James II becomes king of England
"Glorious Revolution"
William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688. The event brought a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution. -
William and Mary become English Monarchs
James II went to France to face Williams of Orange's army so William and Mary were proclaimed English Monarchs. Glorious Revolution because it was a bloodless accession it also limited the power of monarchs and prohibited Roman Catholics from occupying the english throne -
Peter the Great assumes personal rule
Charles XII of Sweden comes to Throne
He led a campaign against the Russians in the Great Nothern War -
Peace Treaty between Turks and Habsburgs
Great Northern War
lasted until 1721 -
Acts of Settlement
Reign of Queen Anne
The last of the Stuarts. Ruled Great Britain until 1714. -
St. Petersburg founded
Act of Union
England and Scotland -
Charles VI rules Austria
Ruled from 1711-1740. He secures agreement to the Pragmatic Sanction -
Treaty of Utrecht ends the war of the Spanish Succession
George I
Becomes King of Great Britain and establishes Hanoverian Dynasty -
Robert Walpolen dominates Britains Politics
Until 1742 -
Peace of Nystad
This ends the Great Northern War -
Peter establishes a synod for the Russian church
Peter issues Table of Ranks
A formal list of positions and ranks in the military, government, and court of Imperial Russia -
Peter the Great Dies
George II becomes King of Great Britain
Frederick William violates the Pragmatic Sanction
Frederick invades Silesia