Bartolomeu Dias: sailed for the country of Portugal
Sailed southward from Portugal and made it around the southern tip of Africa. He names the southern tip of Africa," The Cape of Good Hope." -
Juan Ponce de Leon
Made the first Spanish landing on the east coast of present-day Florida in 1513. According to the legend, Ponce de Leon was not only looking for gold. He also hoped to find the legendary fountain of youth. -
Francisco Pizarro
Led an army into the Inca capital in Cuzco, Peru. The Spanish arrested and later executed the Inca ruler. -
Hernan Cortes
Landed on the East Coast of present day Mexico. Within two years, Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire that had ruled the region. -
Vasco De Gama: was sponsored by the country
Sailed around the Southern tip of Africa and found a complete sea route to Asia.