Feb 1, 1556
King Phillip II Came Into Power
King Phillip the II was the son of Charles V. He was the king of Spain, Italy and Burgundy, the Netherlands, Naples, and overseas Spanish America. He ruled one of the largest empires. -
Feb 1, 1560
Calvinism and Catholicism
Both empires wanted to destroy each other kso bad and take one another's rule. This was the reason Europe was so unpopular in the 16th Century. -
King Philip and the Spanish Armada
Philip wanted to attack England. He wanted to use his powerful navy called the Spanish Armada. It didn't go well because the fleet got destroyed by a terrible storm. -
End of Philip II Reign
He left the country of Spain bankrupt. He did to many bad things, he spent to much money on war and his personal things. -
Death of King Philip II
King Philip II died in Escorial, Spain. The cause of death was cancer. He was the first official king of Spain. -
Dutch Resistance
King Philip tried to gain more control of the area around him. He tried to convert the Netherland area of 17 provinces to Catholicism. The Dutch resistance died down by the issuing of a 12-year truce. -
Religious wars of France
The religious wars of France is often called the Thirty Year's war.It was fought in Central Europe between 1618-1648.The war was between the Protestants and the Catholics. -
Petition of Rights
King Charles I made petition of rights. English Parliament formed a Petition of Rights. It limited the power of the King. -
John Locke
He was a Influential philospher in England during the enlightenment. He believed that all humans have natural rights; Life, Liberty, and property. It is the govt. job to protect those rights. -
Thomas Hobbes
He believed in Absolutism. The Leviathan- human guided by ruthless struggle for self-preservation. Published a book about political philosophy. -
Civil war in England
The civil war of England started in 1642 and went till 1651. It was a series of civil wars and political machinations between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers. The Roundheads ended up winning at the battle of Worcester -
It started in between the 16th and 17th century. It means that the king would have absolute power over there country and monarch. It was made for Louis XIV. -
Cromwell- His Death
Cromwell was a great military leader. He also had a very strong dictatorship in England. Cromwell died of Malaria. -
Peter the Great
Peter the Great Centralized Russia’s government, modernized the army, and created a domestic and foreign policy. He reformed Russia's church. His military reforms that strengthened Russia’s army and navy. -
The Glorious Revolution
Nobles invited and wanted William of Orange to invade England. King James II flees to France to evade capture. England was taken without bloodshed.