Chapter 14 Review Political

  • Period: Nov 7, 1400 to Nov 7, 1500


    aristocratic resurgence
  • Period: Nov 7, 1400 to


    People were transitioning more from collective rights to individfual rights, esp. political.
  • Period: Oct 30, 1500 to


    state and church competing for influence because of new science
  • Period: to


    Hobbes vs. Locke
  • Period: to


    scientists travel between countries often
  • Period: to


    discontent with statuses
  • Period: to


    Colonies declare freedom
  • Period: to

    Monarchs against print culture

    Censorship rises with the increase in literacy.
  • Period: to


    Governments are more open.
  • Period: to


    Women helped male family members in business.
  • Period: to


    France gets more extreme as the revolution starts with the Jacobans, then the Geordans, then the Mountains, then regresses with the convention and the national assembly.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    established empire's boundries
  • Period: to


    slave revolt
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


    Employed secret police
  • Period: to

    New Policies

    Used generosity flatery and Bribery and issued a general amnesty.
  • Period: to

    Popular Sovereignty

    Governent may only exist with the consent of the governed.
  • Period: to

    Six areas

    Nationalistic pressure occured in Ireland, England, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Poland.
  • Period: to


    Many peoples and nations want independence in the unified state.
  • Period: to


    Liberals wanted a more representative government.
  • Period: to

    The concert of Europe

    Solved mutual foreign policy issues peacefully.
  • Period: to


    People are bonded by language, customs, culture and history, and so should be tended to by the same government.
  • Period: to


    All were housed together.
  • Period: to

    Philadelphia system

    Prisoners kept separate at all times.
  • Period: to

    The Auburn system

    Prisoners only separated at night.
  • The Berin Decree

    Boycotted British Goods
  • Period: to


    Restored bouborn power in France and hoped to satisfy Napolean
  • First congress

    Aix-La-Chapelle in Germany
  • Period: to


    anti slavery movement.
  • Period: to


    Struck all classes, making a demand for cleanliness, so people would be happy and not revolt.
  • The year of the revolutions

    Started by the aristocrats.
  • Treaty of Brussels

    Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and Britain.
  • Transportation

    Prisoners sent to New South Wales instead of capital punishment.
  • Period: to

    Result of the Crimean War

    Unstable Europe needs reforms.
  • Period: to


    Government sees housing is a growing problem and tried to fix it.
  • Period: to


    Led India to independence.
  • Period: to

    New Imperialism

    More direct seizure and control of territory.
  • Period: to

    THe Franco Prussian Was

    Argument over Afganistan
  • Period: to

    Western States

    Spread their control over 10 million square miles and 150 million people. 1/5th of the land and 1/10 th of the population.
  • Period: to

    Scramble for Africa

    Everybosy wants a piece of Africa
  • Period: to


    Used as a propaganda tool.
  • Versallies

    powers gather to settle the dust
  • The Kellogg-Briand pact

    End of war, as a tool for peace.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    See everything else from this chapter.
  • Soviet German

    Nonagression Pact.
  • Period: to

    The big three

    Met in Iran, Crimea, and Berlin to decide things after the war. Democracies were on the rise.
  • Period: to

    After the war

    Peaceful Allied treaties were signed.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War starts.
  • Israel is formed

    Israel is formed.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    North Korea invades South Korea and starts a war.
  • NATO

    Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Britain, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Iceland, Canada, and the U. S. Comecon was also formed.
  • Period: to

    European Unification

    Economic cooperation, became a major force with the creation of the EEC, the EU, and the EFTA.
  • Period: to


  • Warsaw Pact

    Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union.
  • The Suez Intervention

    Fighting over the Suez Canal.
  • De Gaulle

    Helps Algeria become independent.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Communist Russia supposedly brought missiles into Cuba.
  • The Brezhnev Doctrine

    Sought to sustain Communist governments.
  • Vietnam is united.

    Vietnam is united.
  • Assassination

    Anwar Sadat.
  • Period: to

    Troops in the Middle East

    increase known as the Surge.
  • Period: to

    NATO bombing

    of Yugoslavia.