Chapter 12 Conflicts Timeline

  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    After a string of events Germany has casued us to join the war
  • Period: to

    World War I

    With the declaration of war to the Treaty of Versailles Germany never stood a chance
  • The Lusitania Sinks

    The Lusitania Sinks
    A German U-boat sinks the Britsih luxury liner Lusitania and kills many on board
  • Peace Offensive

    Peace Offensive
    Germany launched an offensive in hopes of a quick Allied defeat.
  • Armistice

    Germany surrenders and the war was the most destructive to date
  • Germany signs treaty

    Germany signs treaty
    Germany signs the treaty and sets the stage for another war.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor on the island of Hawaii
  • Doolittle Raids

    Doolittle Raids
    The first air raid on Japan
  • D-Day

    US troops land on the beaches of Normandy and begin their attack
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germans push back the front line causing a bulge looking mass on maps
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Victory in Europe
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The Little Boy bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Japan the firat atomics bomb dropped by the US
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    The US then drops the atomic bomb Fat Man on the Japanese town of Nagasaki
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    Victory over Japan surrender was signed aboard the USS Missouri
  • Korean War Starts

    Korean War Starts
    Korea was divided at the 38th Parallel and on this day 75,000 North Korean troops crossed the border into South Korea
  • Harry Truman Calls for action

    Harry Truman Calls for action
    Truman orders air and naval support for South Korea & calls for UN intervention
  • Pyongyang Falls to the UN

    Pyongyang Falls to the UN
    The UN and its troops capture Pyongyang
  • MacArthur Crosses the line

    MacArthur Crosses the line
    Harry Truman fires MacArthur after he said they should bomb
  • The Korean War Ends

    The Korean War Ends
    The fighting ends after an armistice is signed
  • Leader is Overthrown

    Leader is Overthrown
    Ngo Dinh Diem was overthrown
  • Vietnam War Starts

    Vietnam War Starts
    First declaration of war
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

    From the beginning with the declaration of war in 1964 to the fall of Saigon in 1975 this marked the era
  • Tet Offensive Begins

    Tet Offensive Begins
    The North Vietnamese attack on a cease fire for the New Lunar Year know as Tet
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Massaacre when helpless villagers were killed by US soldiers
  • Vietnamization

    They start to remove troops from battle and start replacing them with South Vietnamese
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    A protest at Kent State turns after police fire shots and one is left dead.
  • 26th Amendment is Passed

    26th Amendment is Passed
    Allowed 18 year olds to vote since they were old enough to go off and fight why should they not be able to vote
  • North Vietnamese Release POWs

    North Vietnamese Release POWs
    The NVA release the POWs that they had trapped in their territory
  • The End of the US involvement

    The End of the US involvement
    The last of the US soldiers leave Vietnam
  • Richard Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon Resigns
    Richard Nixon resigns after the Watergate scandal leaving Gerald Ford with all of his problems
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls to the North Vietnamese marking the end of the Vietnam war the city of Saigon is later renamed Ho Chi Minh City
  • Serbian Tension

    In the late 1908's they used Nationalism and religious hatred to gain power
  • Invasion

    Saddam Hussein ivnades Kuwait in early 1990
  • End of Operation Desert Storm

    End of Operation Desert Storm
    After 42 days of attacks a cease fire
  • Beginnig of Operation Desert Storm

    Beginnig of Operation Desert Storm
    The beginnign of Operation Desert Storm
  • Withdrawl

    The UN asks for Iraqi troops to withdarwl from Kuwait
  • Deadline

    UN gave Saddam Hussein til this day to withdrawl from Kuwait
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Saddam did not cooperate so the attack begins being led by Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Operfation Desert Sabre

    Operfation Desert Sabre
    The ground portion of the attack starts and they storm Kuwait and the southern part of Iraq
  • Independence from Yugoslavia

    Independence from Yugoslavia
    Slovenia and Croatia declare independence from Yugoslavia which begins a civil war
  • Recognized Bosnia Independence

    Recognized Bosnia Independence
    Serbaians systematically roundend up Muslims and killed them by mass shootings, raped females, re-population of cities. And they called it ethnic cleansing
  • Humanitarian efforts in Somalia

    Humanitarian efforts in Somalia
    The UN authorized humanitarian efforts in Somalia
  • Operation Restore Hope

    Operation Restore Hope
    U.S Marines and Navy Seals arrive in Mogadishu to help secure the area
  • Attacks

    Aidid gets bold and starts to attack soldiers 24 Pakistani killed and 44 wounded the skirmishes continue until July 12 1993
  • Battle of Somalia

    Battle of Somalia
    lasted from october 3-4 1993
    United States 19 killed 73 injured
    Somalia 315-2000 killed and injured
    ends ar 6:30
  • Sarajevo Attack

    Sarajevo Attack
    Sarajevo is attacked and 68 killed and 200 or more wounded and an international call for help was sent out
  • Period: to

    Rwandan Genocide

    Genocide of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population
  • Military Help

    Military Help
    Military effectiveness takes hold and NATO starts bombing
  • Peace for Bosnians

    Peace for Bosnians
    Bosnian Serbs and Muslim- Croat are ready for peace
    30 men were prosecuted for war crimes
    Made peace at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio
  • Iraq does not cooperate

    The weapon inspectors return to Iraq but they do not cooperate
  • Ultimatum

    Bush gives Saddam and ultimatum step down or be removed
  • Next War

    Next War
    Persain Gulf War II begins (Iraq Wars)