The Reconquista
The Reconquista is a moment in history that created a shared environment of Jews, Christians, and Muslims living together. That was impressive because the conquerors let the conquered live in the same area as themselves. -
Pope Gregory IV
Pope Gregory IV played a large part in pushing for the removal of lay investiture. The removal of lay investiture would give the church freedom from kings and would make the Pope stronger. Although he did not accomplish this, his predecessor did succeed with the Concordat of Worms. -
Concordat of Worms
The Concordat of Worms led the way for the Church to be free from the king's control. The Church now had power over all their affairs as well as some of the kings. -
The Sack of Kiev
The sack of Kiev brought the end to the first Russian state, but that end led to the unifying force of the Christian Church on Russia. After that, the Mongols took over and created an order to be followed. -
Pope Innocent III
Pope Innocent III used his power to sway the rulings of kings and get his way one way that he did that was by interdicting the religion that he wanted something from. The Popes power was above all other at that time. -
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John that changed the dynamic between the king and his vassals and between the king and his church. The king's authority in England was beginning to be limited since it was no longer absolute. -
Coronation of Fredrick II
Fredrick II was a king and eventually an emperor that eventually failed as a king in Germany when princes had to care for the lands he left behind in pursuit of the creation of an empire in Italy. He ultimately failed even though he was the Emperor over the Papal States. -
First Parliament
The First Parliament was created by Edward I and was a concept that was used in other nations beyond England. -
The First Estates-General
The First Estates-General was used by the French king to strengthen his power and with the help of the Estates-General France became the wealthiest, the largest, and best run monarchal state within the confines of Europe.