Will Hensley
When I officially become an adult at 18 years old, I hope to change the world. I am going to invent something that helps you get from place to place faster. The invention won't be like teleportation because that is in an instant. This would be like teleportation, but slower. There would be a delay. I am not sure how my machine would work, though. All I know is that you can't go back or forward in time. You can go anywhere on Earth, and it is about ten times as fast as a jet when traveling. -
Will Hensley 2
This invention would make life easier for everyone. Nobody likes being in a rush, so this invention could have an impact on not only me, but the whole world. The only down side to my invention is that it is very expensive. It probably is not affordable for most. The reason for this is because I don't want my invention taking over the world. I just want to make a mark in the world. However, if you are one that is very rushed, I would recommend this new machine. -
Will Hensley 3
Changing the world is important to me because I am all about helping people. That is the main reason that I invent, to make people's lives easier. It also benefits me. I will make very good money, and I get the job that I want. When I become an adult, the world is going to be very different. Also, when I become 18, people are going to mostly know me by what person I am, not my invention.