
Nazi Germany

  • Chancellor

    German President Paul von Hindenburg announces Adolf Hitler as the chancellor of a coalition government.
  • Anti-Jews

    The Nazis tried to boycott Jewish businesses. It ended in failure after one day.
  • The Purge

    The Purge
    Hitler orders his Nazis to kill German officials who criticize his rule.
  • Dictator

    Hitler abolishes the office of president and claims the title of Emperor, becoming dictator of Germany.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Hitler passes racial laws that change the meaning of "Jew".
  • Reichstag speech

    Reichstag speech
    Hitler pushes for war to end all Jews.
  • Germany vs Russia

    Germany vs Russia
    German forces gets crushed on Stalingrad.
  • Treblinka

    Treblinka begins gassing operations by killing 920,000 jews.