470 BCE
Socrates Born
Socrates born in Athens -
431 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian War Started -
428 BCE
Plato Born
Plato born in Athens -
Period: 1492 to
Colonial America
Period: to
Queen Anne's War
England, Wales, and Scotland unite into the United Kingdom
England, Wales, and Scotland unite into the United Kingdom -
Period: to
George The I's Reign
Period: to
George II's Reign
Georgia Founded
Georgia Founded -
Period: to
First Great Awakening
John Peter Zenger Trial
John Peter Zenger Trail -
Period: to
King George's War
Albany Congress
Albany Congress -
Period: to
French and Indian War
George III Accedes To Throne
George III Accedes To Throne -
Proclamation Of 1763
Proclamation Of 1763 -
The Sugar Act
The Currency Act
The Stamp Act
The Quartering Act
Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions
The Stamp Act Congress
The Declaratory Act
The Townshend Revenue Act
Boston Non-Importation Agreement
The Boston Massacre
The Gaspee Affair
The Tea Act
The Boston Tea Party
Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" Speech
Paul Revere's Ride
Shot heard 'round the world
Washington Assumes Command of the Continental Army
Lexington and Concord
Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Bunker Hill
Paine's "Common Sense" Published
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Long Island
First Webster Dictionary Completed
Noah Webster finishes the first American English dictionary in 1828