Ch 8/14 timeline

  • 109

    Korea Captured by China

    The earliest Korean Dynasty Chosen was captured by the emperor of the Han Dynasty and Chinese Settlers would be there for nearly 4 centuries
  • 111

    Vietnam conquered by China

    After the Han-Nanyue war the Han dynasty ruled in Vietnam.
  • 939

    Vietnam wins independence from China

    Vietnam wins independence from China
    After the Vietnamese army won against Chinese forces in the Battle of Bach Dang River Vietnam became independent
  • Period: 980 to 1009

    Le Dynasty in Vietnam

    The Le Dynasty was founded by Le Hoan which would be later called the earlier le dynasty. Start of the longest lasting dynasty in Vietnam
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    First Crusade through Palestine

    First Christian Crusade throughout Palestine
  • Period: 1231 to 1392

    Mongol rule in Korea

    After Mongol invasions were successful the Yuan Dynasty ruled over Korea
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Mongol rule in China

    The Yuan Dynasty captured China
  • 1290

    Beginning of Spread of Islam in Southeast Asia

    With the coming of Muslims more connections were made with them through things like trading and interaction between them became normal.
  • Period: 1392 to

    Yi dynasty in Kora

    Founded after the overthrow of Goryeo it would later become the Korean empire
  • Period: 1467 to 1477

    Onin war in Japan

    Dispute between Yamana Sozen and Hosokawa Katsumoto and would evolve into a civil war