220px john wilkes booth portrait

Chasing Lincoln's Killer

  • The plan to kill Lincoln

    The plan to kill Lincoln
    At around 8:00 pm Booth met with his conspirators to talk about his plan to kill Lincoln.
  • Lincoln Arrives

    Lincoln Arrives
    Around 8:30 pm Presisent Lincoln arrives at Ford's Theater.
  • Booth Arrives

    Booth Arrives
    At around 9:00 pm Booth enters the theater.
  • Lincoln has been shot

    Lincoln has been shot
    At 10:13 Booth shot Lincoln.
  • Doctor Leale tries to help Lincoln

    Doctor Leale tries to help Lincoln
    Around 10:30 Dr.Leale starts treating Lincoln.
  • Booth Escapes

    Booth Escapes
    Around 10:40 Booth escapes Washington and crosses the bridge to Maryland.
  • Lincoln is carried to a safe house

    Lincoln is carried to a safe house
    Around 11:00 Dr.Leale carried Lincoln to a house where he could rest.
  • President Abe Lincoln Dies

    President Abe Lincoln Dies
    April 15, 1865 at 7:22 pm Lincoln passes away.
  • The investigation begins

    The investigation begins
    At 1:10pm Stanton sent a request to the Police Chief of New York City to have him send him his best detectives to help with the investigation of finding Booth
  • Booth Arrives at Cox's House

    Booth Arrives at Cox's House
    April 16, Booth arrives at Samuel Cox's house
  • Booth meets Thomas Jones

    Booth meets Thomas Jones
    Around 9:00pm Booth meets Jones who decides to help Booth escape to Virginia
  • Lewis Powell and Mary Surratt are arrested

    Lewis Powell and Mary Surratt are arrested
    At the boarding house Lewis Powell and Mary Surratt are arrested
  • Sam Arnold is arrested

    Sam Arnold is arrested
    Sam Arnold is arrested based on a tip he gave the police
  • Lincoln's funeral

    Lincoln's funeral
    Lincoln's funeral is held on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C
  • Atzerodt is arrested

    Atzerodt is arrested
    George Atzerodt is arrested and tells the police everything.
  • Booth arrives in Virginia

    Booth arrives in Virginia
    Booth and herald get off the boat and arrive in Virginia and then goes to his friends house to ask for help
  • Samuel Mudd is Arrested

    Samuel Mudd is Arrested
    Samuel Mudd gets Arrested for helping Booth
  • John Garret didn't know what to do with Booth

    John Garret didn't know what to do with Booth
    John Garret thought booth was suspicious and didn't know what to do with him
  • Booth is killed

    Booth is killed
    John Wilkes Booth was shot and killed by Boston Corbett
  • The hanging of Mary S, Lewis P, David H and George A

    The hanging of Mary S, Lewis P, David H and George A
    At 1:26pm Mary Surrat, Lewis Powell, David Herold and George Atzerodt where Hung.