Elizabeth i

Ch. 18 and 19 -Europe and Muslim Empires

  • Period: Jan 1, 1550 to


  • Feb 4, 1555

    Peace at Augsburg

    This treeaty allowed German princes to pick a reliogion for their followers. Princes could choose between Protestantism and Catholicism. States that chose Protestantism had the same rights and Catholic states.
  • Feb 6, 1558

    Elizabeth Tudor becaomes Queen of England

    During her reign, England becomes the leader of the Protestant nations. Parliment passed the Act of Supremecy, making her the head of church and state. Elizabeth would keep nations equal by supporting a country with a weaker economy. She never married.
  • Feb 6, 1562

    French Wars on Religion Begin

    The French Wars on Relgions lasted for 36 years. They were between the Catholics and Protestants of France. The wars wended with the Treaty of Nantes.
  • Phillip II Tries toInvades England

    Phillip sent an armada to invade England, but was unsuccessful. The English ships were faster and beat the Spanish armada and the remaining ships sank on their way back to Spain. This bankrupted Spain.
  • Rule of Shah Abbas Begins

  • William Shakespeare Makes his London Debut

    Shakespeare wrote plays for the Lord Chamberlain's Men theater company in London. He starred in the plays he wrote, which were very popular. He also worte over 150 sonnets during the Elizabethan Era.
  • Eizabeth I Dies

  • Romanov Dynasty Begins in Russia

  • Louis XIV Begins Rule

  • Artemisia Gentileschi Moves to FLorence

    She secomes the first woman eleceted to the Academy of Design in Florence. Artemisia was a portrait painter. Her most famous works are of Hewbrew Bible heroines.
  • Start of the Thirty Years War

    This war is referred to as the "last of the religious wars". The main conflict was between the Catholic emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Protestant nobles of surrounding countries. All the major political powers were involved, except for England. In 1648, the war ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.
  • Ottomans Seige Vienna

  • Peter the Great Becomes Czar

    Peter visits wetern and central Europe to get ideas for modernizing Russia. He innovates the army in to become an important nation. Peter builds St. Petersburg as the capital.
  • John Locke publishes 'Two Treatises of Government'

    His book argued against an absolute ruler. Locke belived that all people were born with natural rights - life, liberty, and property. He described people as land-holding aristocracy.
  • Louis VIX Dies