ch 17 timeline project

  • Oct 7, 1571

    Spain and Italy defeted an Ottoman fleet

    Spain and Italy defeted an Ottoman fleet
    Spain and Italy defeted an Ottoman fleet.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St. Bartholomew Day massacre FRANCE

    St. Bartholomew Day massacre FRANCE
    hugantonts gathered for a wedding. and 3,000 of them died. the days latter thousands more were slautereed.
  • Aug 25, 1580

    The Battle of Alcântara Spain

    The Battle of Alcântara Spain
    WikiThe Battle of Alcântara Spain defeted portugal for the portugal throne.
  • Nov 9, 1580

    Treaty of Fleix FRANCE

    Treaty of Fleix FRANCE
    ended the seventh phase of the French Wars of Religion.
  • Oct 7, 1581

    Protestant succed from SPAIN

    Protestant succed from SPAIN
    Norther provences declared independence and became known as DUtch Netherlands.
  • Spain attacked England

    Spain attacked England
    Spain attacked england with the spanish armada.
  • Henry IV FRANCE

    Henry IV FRANCE
    a bourbon prince and Hugunot leader, Henry of Navarre, inherited the french throne as Henry IV.
  • Englad defets the Spanish armada

    Englad defets the Spanish armada
    Englad defets the Spanish armada
  • The english cival war

    The english cival war
    a cival war between the cavaliers, supporters of King Charels I, and the rundheads, parliament.
  • Austria and Prussia

    Austria and Prussia
    sighned a treaty the Peice of Westphalia.
  • 1652 First Dutch war begins

    1652 First Dutch war begins
    first of the four Anglo-Dutch Wars. It was fought entirely at sea.
  • Louis the XIV FRNACE

    revoked the Edict of Nantes. after seeing the protestants a threat to his religion.
  • THe stuarts restored.

    THe stuarts restored.
    England gladly welcomed back the Stuarts into pwer with Charels the II.
  • Peter the great RUSSIA

    Peter the great RUSSIA
    came into power at 10. but didn't take control of government until 1689.
  • Maria Theresa ..Prussa and Austria

    Maria Theresa ..Prussa and Austria
    crisis, no women has rlerd hapsburg under her own name. even though she was capable the other countries didn't give her credit.
  • Russia start war with Sweden.

    Russia start war with Sweden.
    Won the baltic sea after defeting the sweds.
  • Eight war awr of austria succession

    Eight war awr of austria succession
    Theresa didn't push fredrick ou of silesia.
  • Cathorin the great.

    Cathorin the great.
    She married her husband at 15. her mentally unstable husband and her unstable kids. she became the ruler of Russia.
  • Seve years war. France

    Seve years war. France
    Outside SourceSeven Years' War: France and some allied and enemy nations sign the Treaty of Paris ending the Seven Years' War, resulting in a major blow on French colonial possessions.
  • Russia Expansion

    Russia Expansion
    BBCRussia acquires Crimea
  • 1918 - End of the Hapsburg empire.

    1918 - End of the Hapsburg empire.
    BBCEnd of Hapsburg empire in austria