Oct 7, 1571
Spain and Italy defeted an Ottoman fleet
Spain and Italy defeted an Ottoman fleet. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew Day massacre FRANCE
hugantonts gathered for a wedding. and 3,000 of them died. the days latter thousands more were slautereed. -
Aug 25, 1580
The Battle of Alcântara Spain
WikiThe Battle of Alcântara Spain defeted portugal for the portugal throne. -
Oct 7, 1581
Protestant succed from SPAIN
Norther provences declared independence and became known as DUtch Netherlands. -
Spain attacked England
Spain attacked england with the spanish armada. -
a bourbon prince and Hugunot leader, Henry of Navarre, inherited the french throne as Henry IV. -
Englad defets the Spanish armada
Englad defets the Spanish armada -
The english cival war
a cival war between the cavaliers, supporters of King Charels I, and the rundheads, parliament. -
Austria and Prussia
sighned a treaty the Peice of Westphalia. -
Louis the XIV FRNACE
revoked the Edict of Nantes. after seeing the protestants a threat to his religion. -
THe stuarts restored.
England gladly welcomed back the Stuarts into pwer with Charels the II. -
Peter the great RUSSIA
came into power at 10. but didn't take control of government until 1689. -
Maria Theresa ..Prussa and Austria
crisis, no women has rlerd hapsburg under her own name. even though she was capable the other countries didn't give her credit. -
Russia start war with Sweden.
Won the baltic sea after defeting the sweds. -
Eight war awr of austria succession
Theresa didn't push fredrick ou of silesia. -
Cathorin the great.
She married her husband at 15. her mentally unstable husband and her unstable kids. she became the ruler of Russia. -
Seve years war. France
Outside SourceSeven Years' War: France and some allied and enemy nations sign the Treaty of Paris ending the Seven Years' War, resulting in a major blow on French colonial possessions. -