Cesar Solis Personal Timeline

  • Being Born

    Being Born
    I was born in the St. Josephs Hospital in the City of Santa Ana as a middle child of three. I came out whiter than any of my siblings.
  • My First Bike

    My First Bike
    At age 4 , I remember my father had bought me a bright red Race Liner bike which was a large part of my childhood. It is the youngest memory I can remember of me and my dad.
  • Riding My First Motorcycle

    Riding My First Motorcycle
    My parents bought me a red 90 cc Honda 2003. It frightened me the first couple of times but after i got the hang of it . It became my passion.
  • My Beginning Day of Preschool

    My Beginning Day of Preschool
    I was placed in St. Judith's preschool when i was 5. This showed me manners and how to be respectful.
  • When I Learned How to Swim

    When I Learned How to Swim
    I learned how to swim a couple days before the 1st grade. My uncle threw me into the pool with no floats which pushed me to learn how to swim for my life.
  • My Little Sister Is Born

    My Little Sister Is Born
    Amy , my younger sister was born in the same hospital as me. ST. Joseph's in the city of Santa Ana , CA.
  • Starting The 3rd Grade

    Starting The 3rd Grade
    I turned 8 when I stated the 3rd grade. I started getting in more trouble than the regular kids and my parents started being more disappointed which caused me to be a better scholar.
  • Heading into 4th Grade

    Heading into 4th Grade
    This is about the time where I became more mature and made better decisions. This the time where I started seperating myself with the people I was hanging out with.
  • Leaving Elementary

    Leaving Elementary
    Once I finished 6th grade , I noticed that I have changed from being immature child to a young adult who has plans for his future.
  • I Got My First Phone

    I Got My First Phone
    I had got the Motorola Razor edge phone , it was a flip phone which at the time was at the top of the line. It was all silver with a green dial pad.
  • My First Relationship

    My First Relationship
    I had introduced myself to this girl who I thought was really cute. We hit it off and were together for 4 years straight. We recently broke up.
  • Start My First Job

    Start My First Job
    My dad would send me to work with him as a mechanic. He did this because he wanted to influence me to being up on time , being organized and being humble.
  • Learned How to Skate

    Learned How to Skate
    I learned how to skate because the bike that i had , I wasn't able to bring it into stores or anything. So i thought it was a good idea to get a new source of transportation. Which was learning how to skate.
  • Graduating Middle School with a 3.9 GPA

    Graduating Middle School with a 3.9 GPA
    The girlfriend that I was with helped me the majority of time which caused me to do really good in school. She helped me pass with flying colors and made my parents proud.
  • Starting High School

    Starting High School
    Starting high school was surprise to me because I thought it would of been like in the movies. to me it wasn't even close to that. Not everyone was mean , there were some bullies , and there was a lot of drugs.
  • My Junior Year

    My Junior Year
    The beginning of my third year of high school I started to realize ow many people were fake. All the kids are worrying about having the best shoes , the best car , the most expensive clothing and I think that is wrong. I think everyone should be there own person even though they might be different.