The history of evolution through cell discoveries and studies

  • The discovery of corpuscles and globular particles

    The discovery of corpuscles and globular particles
    In 1658, The Dutch naturalist, Jan Swammerdam, saw what he described as oval red blood corpuscles. He also discovered a frog embryo has globular particles.
  • What is ":Micrographia"?

    What is ":Micrographia"?
    In 1665, Robert Hooke used his knowledge and previously newly founded information to write a book. He published "Micrographia". This was a knowledge filled book completely devoted to microscopical observations
  • The discovery of microorganisms

    The discovery of microorganisms
    Microorganisms were discovered by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Antoni saw motile particles under his microscope and assumed they equated to life. He then wrote a letter to the royal society that those particles were living organisms.
  • Who discovered the nucleus?

    Who discovered the nucleus?
    The Scottish Botanist, Robert Brown, made an extremely important discovery. He was the first to recognize the nucleus, to which he described as an essential constituent of living cells.
  • The composing of Plants and Animals

    The composing of Plants and Animals
    The botanist, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, suggested that all plants are composed of cells or their products. The following year, a zoologist of the name of Theodor Schwann came to a similar conclusion, but for animals.
  • Leaving knowledge for others

    Leaving knowledge for others
    In 1865, Karl Deiters published posthumously. This book contained descriptions and drawings of nerve cells. Which all were studied by using histological methods.
  • The emerging of Oil immersion lens

    The emerging of Oil immersion lens
    In 1870, the oil immersion lens was introduced. Microscopy was improved due to the development of the microtone technique, the use of new fixing methods, and dyes.
  • What do nerve cells do in the nervous system?

    What do nerve cells do in the nervous system?
    In 1872, the German Histologist, Joseph Gerlach, proposed that in all nervous systems , nerve cells establish anastomoses with each other through branching of their dendrites.
  • The most important reaction

    The most important reaction
    To what is said is the most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy were developed by Golgi. Golgi developed the "black reaction" The reaction provided a full view of a single nerve cell and its processes. In which it was followed through a great distance from the cell body.
  • What is chromatin?

    What is chromatin?
    Observations by Walther Flemming concluded to what is called "chromatin". Within the nucleus, a stainable substance and the nucleus can be seen. The structures that could be heavily stained are called "Chromatin". Walther also introduced the world to the term Mitosis in the same year, In which he observed the splitting of salamander chromosomes.