Hooke discovered a honeycomb like structure in a slice of cork, using primitive compound microscope, he only saw that the cell was dead tissue. He coined the word "cell"; for the individual compartments he saw in the slice of cork. -
Inspired by the glass used by drapers to inspect quality of cloth, Leeuwenhoek taught himself new methods to create magnification in glass; later using this skill to build the fist practical microscope. With this he saw and described for the first time bacteria, though the inspection of tarter off of people teeth, and protozoa he called animacules, which he observed in a pond. -
Brown studied every aspect of plant life, from the way that plants grow to the way that their cells work together.He performed research on plant fertilization and pollination, discovering the difference between gymnosperm and angiosperm seed plants. While doing this research he was the first to show the radical motion of molecules and functions within a cell. though he did not discover that plant cells have a nucleus. -
Schleiden proposed the cell theory for plants; in which he stated that the different parts of the plant organisms are composed of cells and that an embryonic plant arose from a single cell; based on his microscopic observations of various plant organisms. He declared that the cell is the basic building block of all plant matter. Schleiden knew that the cell nucleus must somehow be connected with cell division, but mistakenly believed that new cells erupted from the nuclear surface. -
Schwann, concluded that not only plants, but animal tissue as well are composed of cells, based upon Schleiden's findings with plant organisms; this ended debates that plants and animals were fundamentally different in structure. He also organized previous statement on cells into one theory; cells are organisms, all organisms consist of one or more cells, and cells are the basic unit of structure for all organisms. -
Rejecting of the concept of spontaneous generation, which says that organisms could arise from nonliving matter; Virchow was one of the first to accept the work of Robert Remak, showing the origins of cells came from the division of pre-existing cells and so stated that cells develop only from existing cells. He also was the first to propose that diseased cells come from healthy cells, by examining cells for certain changes or alterations.